Feb 18, 2025  
2021-22 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog 
2021-22 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Policies and Procedures

Students are responsible for compliance with Wartburg’s academic policies and procedures. The Registrar exercises all possible care in checking students’ records for graduation; however, it is the sole responsibility of the student to fulfill all requirements for a degree.

Catalog Year and Degree Requirements

Students may graduate under the catalog requirements for the year in which they are first enrolled as degree-seeking, provided that they complete graduation requirements within a continuous period of no more than eight years. Students who register as degree-seeking, but do not complete requirements within eight years, will be expected to fulfill requirements in effect at the start of the ninth academic year. Students should refer to the catalog under which they entered or are readmitted.

Course Credit

The unit of academic credit is the course credit.

Equivalencies between course credits and semester hours are:

¼ course credit = 1 semester hour;
½ course credit = 2 semester hours;
1 course credit = 3½ semester hours.

The standard load for full-time students is 4.0 course credits Fall Term, 4.0 course credits Winter Term, and 1.0 course credit May Term.

Full-time student status is a minimum of 3.0 course credits for each Fall and Winter Term. To fulfill graduation requirements, a full-time student is required to complete a minimum of 1.0 course credit in May Term for each year of classification. Overload fees are assessed for credits beyond the 4.5 maximum in Fall Term and Winter Term and the 1.25 maximum in May Term. To enroll in more than 5.0 course credits in either Fall Term or Winter Term and 1.25 course credits in May Term, students must complete a variance form to request clearance by the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Music majors and Meistersinger Scholarship recipients who enroll in Applied Music: Private Instruction (MU 140 , MU 240 , MU 340 ; MU 150 , MU 250 , MU 350 ; MU 160 , MU 260 , MU 360 ; MU 170 , MU 270 , MU 370 ; MU 180 , MU 280 , MU 380 ; or MU 190 , MU 290 , MU 390 ) and whose enrollment for a specific term is greater than 4.5 course credits may receive a refund of the tuition overload charge up to .5 course credits (based on the course credit of applied lessons).

Full-time student status for graduate students is a minimum 2.75 course credits for each Fall and Winter Term. Overload fees are assessed for credits beyond the 4.25 maximum in Fall Term and Winter Term and the 1.25 maximum in May Term. To enroll in more than 4.25 course credits in either Fall Term or Winter Term and 1.25 course credits in May Term, students must complete a variance form to request clearance by the Vice President for Academic Affairs.


Student classification is based upon cumulative course credits earned:

First-year = 0 - 6.75
Second-year = 7 - 15.75
Third-year = 16 - 25.75
Fourth-year = 26 or more

Classification is calculated at the end of Fall Term, May Term, and Summer Term.

Graduation and Degree Requirements


To qualify for graduation from Wartburg, students must:

  1. Earn 36 course credits, including four May Term course credits. Transfer students must complete one May Term course credit for each year of classification at Wartburg.
  2. Complete the Wartburg Plan of Essential Education for the degree(s) for which they are candidates.
  3. Complete all requirements for at least one major.
  4. Achieve a minimum grade point average of 2.0 in all courses comprising each major and minor.
  5. Achieve a minimum grade point average of 2.0 in all courses taken at Wartburg.
  6. Take at least seven of the last nine course credits from Wartburg offerings. CLEP and Challenge exams are not considered Wartburg offerings.

Students who wish to earn two bachelor’s degrees must complete the Wartburg Plan of Essential Education for each degree and a minimum of 45 course credits.

Students who hold a bachelor’s degree from another institution and wish to earn a second degree in a different major from Wartburg College must meet all graduation requirements and must earn a minimum of nine course credits at Wartburg.

Students who complete a three-year preprofessional curriculum at Wartburg and transfer to a professional school may apply for a bachelor’s degree at Wartburg when graduation requirements have been met and when the professional school’s dean certifies that the necessary quality and quantity of course credits have been earned. In addition, students must have completed all Wartburg Plan of Essential Education requirements at Wartburg College and must have completed a minimum of 27 course credits at Wartburg. Students who wish to make application for this arrangement must seek approval from the Registrar before leaving Wartburg College.


Graduation and degree requirements for graduate programs are specific to each program. Refer to department pages for details.

Major, Minor

Students enrolled as degree-seeking students must declare a major by completing the appropriate form, available in the Registrar’s Office, and obtaining the required signatures. This declaration may occur any time after matriculation but must be completed by the time students have accumulated 13 course credits (the end of the third term for most students). Students may declare a departmental major, an interdepartmental major, or an individualized major. Students may declare more than one major.

Departmental Major

Specific course requirements are listed in each departmental description. Declaring a departmental major requires approval of the department.

The following departmental majors and concentrations, except those indicated as B.S., B.M. or B.M.E., lead to the B.A. degree:

Actuarial Science
Art; Graphic Design
Biology; Biology Teaching
Business Administration: Concentrations in finance, international business, management, marketing, sport management, supply chain management
Chemistry; Chemistry Teaching
Communication Studies: Concentration in speech communication
Computer Information Systems
Computer Science
Elementary Education
Engineering (B.S.)
Engineering Science
English; English Teaching
Environmental Science and Studies: Concentrations in environmental science, environmental studies
Exercise Science
German; German Studies
Health and Fitness Studies
History: Concentration in public history; American History Teaching; World History Teaching
International Relations
Journalism and Communication: Concentrations in digital media and production, multimedia journalism, organizational and public relations, sports media
Mathematics; Mathematics Teaching
Medical Laboratory Science
Music: Concentration in church music
Music Education (B.M.E.)
Music Therapy (B.M./M.T.)
Music Therapy/Education (B.M.E.)
Performance (B.M.)
Physical Education
Physics; Physics Teaching
Political Science
Public Health
Social Work
Sociology: Concentrations in criminology/criminal justice, general sociology
Spanish; Spanish Teaching

Interdepartmental Major

Interdepartmental majors combine course work in a maximum of three departments. Such majors usually consist of 13 to 15 course credits, with a maximum of 20. No more than 11 course credits may be from one department. Students completing interdepartmental majors must fulfill the Wartburg Plan of Essential Education and take at least nine course credits at the 300 and 400 level.

Students must obtain approval of their interdepartmental major title and course requirements before the end of the first term of the third year. The Educational Policies Committee and a committee consisting of one faculty member from each department involved in the major approve the title and course requirements. The academic adviser approves other components of the program, such as electives. The interdepartmental major form is available from the Registrar’s Office or through the Forms link on My Wartburg. Requests for an interdepartmental major are made through the Dean of the Faculty.

Individualized Major

The individualized major is designed by a student in consultation with the academic adviser. This major represents a coherent grouping of courses pertinent to the student’s educational goals. Individualized majors must be significantly different (at least four course credits) from majors currently available at Wartburg College.

An individualized program of study must include:

  1. Completion of graduation requirements as described under the Graduation section of this catalog.

  2. Completion of a student-designed individualized major with a minimum of 13 and a maximum of 20 courses.

  3. Completion of nine of the total 36 course credits at the 300 and 400 level.

Request for the individualized major must be submitted to the Dean of the Faculty and approved by the Educational Policies Committee no later than the end of the first term of the third year.

The individualized major form is available from the Registrar’s Office or through the Forms link on My Wartburg. Requests for an individualized major are made through the Dean of the Faculty.


Minors are available in most disciplines. In addition, Wartburg offers six interdisciplinary minors: environmental studies, intercultural studies, leadership, peace and justice studies, women’s studies, and worship studies.


Students are expected to register for the full academic year during the official registration dates announced by the Registrar. Students prepare class schedules in consultation with an academic adviser and complete registration on the dates relative to the student classifications. Final course rosters are determined by class seniority and need.

Arranged Study

Students who need to take a specific course, required for graduation, may request to enroll in the course as an arranged study if the course is not offered before the student’s projected graduation date. The request includes completion of the appropriate form, available in the Registrar’s Office or through the Forms link on My Wartburg, which serves as the contract between the student and the faculty sponsor. A fee is charged.

Independent Study

Students who wish to enroll in an individualized course may request an independent study under the course number 450 for each discipline. The request includes the completion of the appropriate form, available in the Registrar’s Office or through the Forms link on My Wartburg, which serves as the course proposal and the contract between the student and the faculty sponsor. A fee is charged.

Auditing Courses

Full-time students who wish to attend a class without receiving college credit may audit a class with the approval of the instructor and the Registrar. The student must register for the course as an audit and attend classes regularly. There is no charge for full-time students to audit a class.

Part-time students and non-degree-seeking students who wish to attend a class without receiving college credit may audit a class with the consent of the instructor and the Registrar. Registration for non-degree-seeking students occurs one month prior to the start date of each term, if space is available in the class. An audit fee is charged to part-time and non-degree-seeking students. Applications for auditing a course are available in the Registrar’s Office.

Repeating Courses

Students may repeat a course to earn a different grade. The grade from the most recent attempt will be used to calculate the student’s cumulative GPA, even if that grade is lower than the previous grade.  All repeated courses with the grade earned appear on the academic transcript with a notation that each course was part of the repeat process.  A student’s academic standing in a past term will not change as a result of the repeat process.  Degree credit may be earned only once for each course.  Some courses are designated as repeatable for credit in the course description and are exempt from the repeat process.  

Students receiving financial aid should verify with the Financial Aid Office how repeating a course will affect their eligibility status.

Withdrawal and Leave of Absence

Withdrawal from Course

To withdraw from a course, students must contact their academic advisor to submit the appropriate information to the Registrar’s Office. During the second through the ninth week of Fall and Winter term, students may withdraw from a course with a non-punitive grade of W for a full-term course. Students who stop attending a course without officially withdrawing will receive a punitive grade of F. Adjustments to a student’s course load during a term may impact the student’s tuition charge, financial aid, and athletic eligibility.

Withdrawal from College

To withdraw from the college, students should contact the Academic Affairs Office. Withdrawing before the end of the term may impact the student’s bill and financial aid.

Leave of Absence

Students who must withdraw from the college for health or personal reasons should contact the Student Affairs Office.  A leave of absence may be granted using the following criteria:

  1. Leave of absence may be granted to students whose documented health, personal, or family problems require them to leave the college temporarily. The leave of absence will be utilized if the student intends to re-enroll. the leave of absence wil be utilized if the student intends to re-enroll. Normally, the total length of a leave of absence will not exceed two academic terms. Normally, the total length of a leave of absence will not exceed two terms.
  2. Leave of absence may be granted to students with unfocused academic and career goals who want to spend a term working or exploring other options. Normally, students to whom this policy applies will not be enrolled as full-time students at another institution during the leave of absence.

Financial aid eligibility is protected if students are academically eligible at the time the leave is granted and family circumstances do not change significantly. Students are eligible to retain college scholarships upon readmission. Students are eligible to sign up for housing and to register for classes during the designated sign-up time for their classification, even though they are not currently enrolled.

The Dean of the Faculty determines eligibility for students who wish to be readmitted to Wartburg after suspension for academic reasons (see Academic Standing).

Credit by Examination and Credit for Prior Learning

Students may receive a maximum of 12 course credits by examination and a maximum of five course credits for prior learning.

Advanced Placement

A student entering Wartburg College will be granted Advanced Placement credit upon presentation of the following AP examination scores:


Art 3-D Design Score of 4 and above: Degree Elective
Art History Score of 4 and above: ART 260 History of Western Art  
Biology Score of 3 and above: BI 101 Concepts of Biology  
Calculus Score of 4 and above on AP Calculus AB: MA 251 Foundational Differential Calculus  and MA 252 Foundational Integral Calculus  
Score of 2 or 3 on BC exam with an AB subscore of 4 and above: MA 251 Foundational Differential Calculus  and MA 252 Foundational Integral Calculus  
Score of 4 and above on AP Calculus BC: MA 250 Applied Calculus , MA 251 Foundational Differential Calculus , and MA 252 Foundational Integral Calculus  
Score of 3: CH 113 Principles of Chemistry I  with recommendation to audit CH 113
Score of 4: CH 113 Principles of Chemistry I  
Computer Science Score of 4 in Comp Sci A: CS 120 Introduction to Computers and Programming  
Economics-Macro Score of 3 and above: EC 117 Principles of Macroeconomics  
Economics-Micro Score of 3 and above: EC 118 Principles of Microeconomics  
English Lit/Comp Score of 3 and above: EN 150 Introduction to Literature  
English Lang/Comp Score of 4 and above: EN 115 College Composition  
Environmental Science Score of 3 and above: BI 117 Environmental Biology  or BI 204 Conservation of Natural Resources  for Environmental Studies minor
Foreign Language Score of 4 and above: a 300-level course as determined by the Registrar
US History Score of 4 and above: HI 109 American History to 1877  
European History Score of 4 and above: Degree Elective
World History Score of 4 and above: HI 122 World Civilizations II  
Human Geography Score of 3 and above: Degree Elective
Music Theory
Score of 4: MU 105 Music Theory I  
Score of 5: MU 105 Music Theory I , MU 106 Music Theory II , and MU 107 Aural Skills I  
Score of 3 and above on AP Physics 1: PHY 101 General Physics I    
Score of 3 and above on AP Physics 2: PHY 102 General Physics II  
Score of 3 and above on AP Physics C-Mechanics: PHY 203 Classical Physics I  
Score of 3 and above on AP Physics C-Electricity and Magnetism: PHY 204 Classical Physics II  
Psychology Score of 4 and above: PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology  
Statistics Score of 3 and above: MA 214 Statistical Methods  
US Government/Politics Score of 4 and above: PS 101 Introduction to American Politics  
Comparative Government/Politics Score of 4 and above: PS 270 Comparative Political Systems  


The College Board Advanced Placement Program examinations, administered by the Educational Testing Service, are given in May of each year. Information is available from:

College Board Advanced Placement Examinations
Box 592 Box 881 Box 1025
Princeton, NJ 08540 Evanston, IL 60204 Berkeley, CA 94701

To receive credit for an AP not listed, application may be made to the Registrar.


Students, including entering first-year students, may take examinations of the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) of the College Entrance Examination Board and receive college credit by achieving Wartburg’s minimum quality score. In most academic areas where no CLEP examination is available, students may take departmentally administered Challenge Examinations.

Credit for Prior Learning

Wartburg follows the American Council on Education recommendations in granting credit for learning experiences from noncollegiate institutions. Course credit may be given to qualified students.

International Baccalaureate Credit

Wartburg College recognizes International Baccalaureate (IB) work and will grant credit on a course-by-course basis for examination scores of 4 or higher on the Higher Level courses only. The granting of credit for IB is equivalent to the Advanced Placement.

Outside Credit

Students need prior permission from the Registrar to be assured that courses taken at another accredited institution will be accepted for course credit toward a degree program at Wartburg.

Community College

Wartburg College welcomes graduates of community colleges and will work with community college students to plan for a successful transfer to Wartburg after completion of the A.A or A.S. degree. While attending a two-year college, students are welcome to work with a Wartburg faculty adviser to plan completion of the baccalaureate degree. Students who complete an A.A. or an A.S. degree will transfer to Wartburg as a third-year student. Students who have not completed the A.A. degree are also welcome at Wartburg. The Registrar’s Office will assist with the evaluation of courses for the purposes of transfer to the Wartburg College academic program. Contact the Admissions Office for assistance if you are a community college student or graduate.



Distinguished performance is denoted by the grade A, superior work by B, satisfactory achievement by C, minimal achievement by D, unsatisfactory achievement by F. Pluses and minuses are awarded.

P/D/F Designated in course descriptions. Some courses are graded only with P/D/F.

P (pass) gives credit in a course offered P/D/F and indicates that the student earned a grade of C- or higher. Any grade below a C- is calculated into the cumulative grade point average.

P/D/F Option Students have the option of taking one elective course on a P/D/F basis for each class year at Wartburg, up to a maximum of four. Students may use one P/D/F option per term only for elective courses toward graduation, in addition to courses offered only on a P/D/F basis. The P/D/F option is not used for standardly graded courses that fulfill major, minor, concentration, teaching endorsement, or Wartburg Plan requirements. Students may change a course to or from the P/D/F option through the first half of the term.

P O (pass option) gives credit in a course elected P/D/F and indicates that the student earned a grade of C- or higher.

D+ O means a student has received a grade of D+ in a P/D/F option course. A grade of D+ O is calculated into the cumulative grade point average.

D O means a student has received a grade of D in a P/D/F option course. A grade of D O is calculated into the cumulative grade point average.

D- O means a student has received a grade of D- in a P/D/F option course. A grade of D- O is calculated into the cumulative grade point average.

F O means a student has received a failing grade in a P/D/F option course. A grade of F O is calculated into the grade point average.

I (incomplete) means students have postponed required work with prior consent of instructors and for reasons beyond their control: physical or emotional conditions precluding timely progress in or completion of courses as confirmed by appropriate professionals, or catastrophic exigency affecting students’ families. Assignment of a grade of I is at the discretion of the instructor, and should be contingent on the provision of appropriate evidence by the student. Incomplete work must be completed by the fourth week of the next four-month term or grades of I become F. Grades of I may also be issued until field experience, internship, laboratory research, or study abroad work is completed and evaluated.

W (withdraw) indicates students formally withdrew from a course. This must be done by the end of the ninth week of Fall or Winter Term classes or by the end of the eighth day of May Term classes.

NR (not reported) means instructor did not report grade.

AU (audit) indicates that a student elected to attend a course without receiving degree credit.

Grade Point Average

Grade point average is determined by dividing the total number of earned quality points by the total number of course credits in which an A, B, C, D, or F was earned. Quality points for grades are:

A 4.000 B 3.000 C 2.000 D 1.000
A- 3.700 B- 2.700 C- 1.700 D- 0.700
B+ 3.300 C+ 2.300 D+ 1.300 F 0

No quality points are awarded for the grades P, PO, I, or W, and courses with those grades are not considered when determining grade point average. When a course is repeated at Wartburg, only the last grade is used to calculate grade point average. Grades earned at other institutions are entered on students’ records, but transfer course credits and grade point averages are not included when computing grade point average at Wartburg.

Academic Records

In the maintenance of student records and permission to access these records or release information contained in these records, Wartburg College complies with federal and state laws. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and the regulations required by this act may be reviewed in the Registrar’s Office.

Academic Standing and Satisfactory Academic Progress

Undergraduate students are considered to be in good academic standing when their cumulative GPA is 2.000 or higher. For a majority of students, when their cumulative GPA falls below a 2.000, they will be placed on either academic probation or suspension.

The Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs reviews the academic standing of all students at the end of Fall Term and at the end of Winter/May Terms (considered in combination). A notation for academic standing, including probation and suspension, appears on the academic transcript.

Academic Probation

Academic probation occurs when: (1) a first-term student has a cumulative GPA of 1.001-1.500; or, (2) a continuing student has a cumulative GPA of 1.001-1.999.

A student on academic probation must comply with the restrictions outlined in the probation letter. In most cases, this involves attending Turning Point and regular meetings with an advisor and/or official of the college. Failure to comply with these restrictions, as determined by the Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs, will result in immediate suspension.

For a student who begins a term on academic probation (Fall Term or Winter/May Term), one of the following will occur at the end of the term:

  • Suspension: If term GPA is less than a 2.000
  • Probation: If term GPA is 2.000 or higher and cumulative is less than a 2.000
  • Good Standing: If cumulative GPA is 2.000 or higher

Academic Suspension

Academic suspension occurs when: (1) a student has a cumulative GPA of 1.000 or less; or, (2) a student on academic probation fails to obtain a term GPA of at least a 2.000.

Suspended students are ineligible to enroll as degree-seeking students.  If and when they return as a degree-seeking student following a period of suspension, students remain under the terms and conditions of the catalog in effect at the time they matriculated, subject to the statutory limitations for earning a baccalaureate degree.

Suspension Appeal/Readmission

Suspended students wishing to return must contact the Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs to begin the appeal/readmission process. Those students desiring to return without serving at least one Fall Term or Winter Term of suspension need to appeal on the basis of extenuating circumstances. Student should provide evidence that prior obstacles preventing academic success have been eliminated.

Students approved to return will be placed on probation and a transcript note will be added to the student record: Readmitted on Probation. In most cases, restrictions will be placed on the student to help ensure academic success. Failure to comply with these restrictions, as determined by the Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs, will result in immediate suspension. Students who are suspended a second time will be placed on dismissal status.

Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

Students receiving financial assistance are required to maintain satisfactory academic progress (SAP) during their enrollment at Wartburg College. This progress is measured by a qualitative and quantitative component. SAP is maintained when a student maintains both the required grade point average and the required completion rate. See the full policy at: http://www.wartburg.edu/standards/. Please note that this is the SAP policy for determining financial aid eligibility. Academic policies that relate to probation and suspension from Wartburg College may differ.

Athletic Eligibility

To be eligible to compete and practice in intercollegiate athletics, student-athletes must be registered as full-time students during the term of participation. In order to be eligible for competition during May Term, student-athletes must be enrolled full-time during this time period.

Student-athletes are subject to academic standing and satisfactory progress requirements as defined by the college. Student-athletes are considered to be in good academic standing provided their GPA and course credits completed exceed the suspension standards. To be eligible for Fall Term competition, student-athletes must pass four course credits in the previous Winter/May and Summer Terms or seven course credits the previous Fall, Winter/May and Summer Terms combined. To be eligible for Winter/May Term competition, a student-athlete must pass three course credits in the previous Fall and Summer Terms or seven course credits in the previous Fall, Summer, and Winter/May Terms combined.

According to NCAA and IIAC rules, student-athletes have 10 semesters of full-time enrollment to utilize four seasons of participation. A student-athlete who practices after the first date of competition, and never competes, has completed a season of competition.

Petition for Variance from Academic Policy

Students may petition for variances from academic policy by appealing to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The appropriate form is available in the Registrar’s Office or through the Forms link on My Wartburg. All other requests for variances from college policies should be directed to the appropriate vice president.

Academic Recognition

Dean’s List

A Dean’s List is announced at the end of Fall and Winter/May Terms. Students receive this recognition by earning a minimum term grade point average of 3.500 in at least four course credits Fall Term or at least five course credits Winter/May Term. At least three course credits in Fall Term and four during Winter/May Term must be graded with a grade other than P or P O. Students with incompletes are not eligible for the Dean’s List.


Superior students may be awarded a prize, scholarship, departmental honor, or college honor. To receive college honor, students must earn 18 course credits at Wartburg and achieve a cumulative grade point average of 3.500 - 3.699 (Cum Laude), 3.700 - 3.849 (Magna Cum Laude), 3.850 - 4.000 (Summa Cum Laude).

The Wartburg College Dean’s Honor Cords are given to the graduating senior students who have excelled academically. Graduating seniors who have earned the top 40 grade point averages at the end of the Fall term prior to graduation are recognized at the Scholarship Convocation and at Commencement by these cords. Students graduating in the previous December Commencement are included in this honor.

Honor Societies

Wartburg honor societies recognize academic achievement in a variety of disciplines. Campus chapters are affiliated with national collegiate honorary organizations.

ALPHA CHI promotes academic excellence and exemplary character among college and university students in all disciplines and honors those who achieve such distinction.

ALPHA KAPPA DELTA seeks to acknowledge and promote excellence in scholarship in the study of sociology, the research of social problems, and such other social and intellectual activities as will lead to improvement in the human condition. 

BETA BETA BETA improves the understanding and appreciation of biological study and extends the boundaries of human knowledge through scientific research.

DELTA MU DELTA promotes higher scholarship in training for business and recognizes and rewards business administration students who have distinguished themselves scholastically.

KAPPA DELTA PI recognizes scholarship and excellence in education.

KAPPA MU EPSILON promotes interest of mathematics among undergraduate students.

LAMBDA PI ETA recognizes scholarship and excellence in communication arts and promotes philanthropic work.

NU RHO PSI recognizes scholarship and excellence in neuroscience and promotes interest therein.

PHI ALPHA fosters high standard of training for social workers and recognizes excellence in scholarship and achievement in social work.

PHI ALPHA THETA promotes the study of history among undergraduate students.

PHI ETA SIGMA encourages and rewards academic excellence among first-year students in institutions of higher learning.

PI GAMMA MU encourages the study of the social sciences and recognizes outstanding achievement.

PSI CHI encourages, stimulates, and maintains excellence in scholarship and advances the science of psychology.

SIGMA DELTA PI honors those who attain excellence in the study of the Spanish language and in the study of the literature and culture of the Spanish-speaking peoples.

SIGMA PI SIGMA honors outstanding scholarship in physics to promote the interest in physics and promote an attitude of service.

THETA ALPHA KAPPA recognizes scholarship and excellence in theology and religious studies.