Feb 18, 2025  
2013-2014 Academic Catalog 
2013-2014 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

The Faculty

More than 100 full-time ranked and titled faculty members design and carry out the academic program at Wartburg College. Part-time faculty members complement the full-time faculty by providing courses in special areas of expertise. The earned doctorate is the terminal degree for all ranked faculty except in the areas of accounting, business administration, computer science, music therapy, social work, and studio art, where the appropriate master’s degree is the minimum qualification for appointment. Among ranked faculty members, 77 percent hold earned doctorates and 97 percent hold terminal degrees in their fields.

Wartburg recruits faculty nationally. Professors have earned degrees from the University of Wisconsin, Miami University, University of Michigan, Iowa State University, Indiana University, UCLA, Princeton Theological Seminary, University of Iowa, State University of New York, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Purdue University, Northwestern, Stanford University, Cornell University, Harvard University, Boston University, the Ohio State University, University of Minnesota, Emory University, University of Nebraska, University of Oregon, West Virginia University, Texas Tech University, University of Notre Dame, Southern Illinois University, University of California, University of Chicago, University of Pittsburgh, Kent State University, University of Colorado, University of Georgia, Washington University, Clark University, Illinois Institute of Technology, Syracuse University, University of Pennsylvania, and Oklahoma State.

The Wartburg College faculty is dedicated to excellent teaching, scholarship, performance, creative activities, and community service. In carrying out the mission of the college, the Wartburg faculty provides a learning environment that produces liberally educated, ethically minded citizens for the 21st century. Teaching is the central mission of the faculty and is characterized by interactive and dynamic investigation. Cultural immersions in Mexico, China, Africa, and Guyana expand the on-campus learning program. Wartburg faculty members lead trips to these countries to integrate intercultural perspectives into their teaching. They carry out their responsibilities as scholars by conducting research, writing books and articles in their field, presenting papers at regional, national, and international meetings, and holding offices in professional associations. They serve the college community through academic advising, service on committees, and leadership positions on campus. Wartburg College faculty members are also active in service to Waverly and Iowa through positions on city councils, boards, volunteer groups, and churches.

To help the college attract and retain a highly qualified faculty, alumni and friends have provided permanent endowments to support the following faculty positions:

  • The Irving R. Burling Chair in Leadership
  • The Dr. Myrle Burk and Vera Burk Will Chair in Biology
  • The Carl and Dorothy Hagemann Professorship in Business and Economics
  • The Gerald R. Kleinfeld Distinguished Professorship in German History
  • The James A. Leach Chair in Banking and Monetary Economics
  • The R.J. McElroy Chair in Communication Arts
  • The Herbert and Cora Moehlmann Chaplaincy Chair
  • The Ralph E. Otto Professorship in Chemistry
  • The Grant L. Price Chair in Communication Arts
  • The Franklin I. and Irene Saemann Chair in World Communities
  • The Harry and Polly Slife Professorship in Humanities
  • The O. Jay and Patricia Tomson Professorship in Social Work
  • Lowell J. Walker Athletics Directorship Chair
  • The Patricia A. Zahn Chair in Choral Conducting
  • The Board of Regents Chair in Ethics
  • Rudi Inselmann Professorship in Organ

Click here to view Wartburg College Personnel and Faculty.