Mar 12, 2025  
2018-2019 Academic Catalog 
2018-2019 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Kelly Faga, Stephanie TeKippe, Co-Chairs; Rita Jensen; Rick Snyder

Education programs are based on a solid liberal arts background. They provide an understanding of our pluralistic society and the children who will grow and live in that society. Programs are designed for students who are service-minded, have a commitment to young people, and want to learn the science and art of teaching.

The Teacher Education Program is centered around a theoretical knowledge base that combines with the Wartburg Plan of Essential Education, specialty content area expertise, and a professional core of education-related courses to develop effective and reflective preservice teachers. This knowledge base includes: communication; student learning; collaboration, ethics, and relationships; instructional strategies; reflection and professional development; assessment; instructional planning; diverse learners; technology; and learning environment. Specifically, the mission of the Wartburg Teacher Education Program is to develop the talents and abilities of students to become effective and reflective teachers in lives of professional service and leadership as an expression of their faith and learning.

To accomplish the purpose of the Teacher Education Program and support the mission of the college, the preservice teachers will demonstrate:

  • Commitment to students and their learning.
  • Knowledge of the content and how to teach the content to students.
  • Responsibility for motivating, managing, and monitoring student learning.
  • Reflective thinking about their practice and their experiences.
  • Interest in being lifelong learners and members of learning communities.
  • Dedication to helping individuals reach their full potential through service to God and humanity.

Intended Student Learning Outcomes

Teacher candidates will:

1. design and implement challenging, developmentally appropriate learning experiences. (Learner Development)

2. integrate knowledge of diversity and individual differences while enabling each learner to meet high standards. (Learning Differences)

3. plan research-based, rigorous and relevant instruction for every student. (Planning for Instruction)

4. model a variety of developmentally-, and content-appropriate, instructional strategies. (Instructional Strategies)

5. create an environment that encourages positive behavior and social interaction and active engagement based on an awareness of behavioural and motivation theory. (Learning Environments)

6. use multiple formative and summative measures to guide instruction and inform learners, parents and administrators about student growth. (Assessment)

7. use relevant data to evaluate practice, inform instruction, and engage in professional learning. (Professional Learning & Ethical Practice)

8. seek leadership opportunities and demonstrate collaboration with learners, families, colleagues and community members. (Leadership & Collaboration)

9. effectively integrate technology into instruction to support student learning. (Technology)

10. use discipline-specific concepts and tools of inquiry to guide students toward rigorous and relevant mastery of content. (Content Knowledge)

11. provide learners with opportunities for critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative problem solving related to real-world issues. (Application of Content)


The program provides early and continuing field experiences. Field sites are available at schools in Waverly and the surrounding area, including Waterloo, and in New York City and Denver, Colo.

As early as the first year, prospective teachers may become involved in teaching activities. Throughout the program, one-on-one tutoring and small- and large-group lesson plan development and teaching are essential components of practicum experiences. Methods courses emphasize instructional planning, a variety of teaching strategies, and technology integration. Before graduation, all teacher education students must complete a 25-hour field experience in a cultural setting significantly different than their own. The culminating experience is student teaching, integrating preparation with practice.

According to an Iowa legislative mandate, students wishing to be admitted to the Teacher Education Program must pass a basic skills test. Successful completion of the Praxis™ Core Academic Skills for Educators tests, offered by the Educational Testing Service, is a requirement for admission to the Wartburg College Teacher Education Program. Successful completion is defined as Core Reading (5712) with a minimum score of 156; Core Writing (5722) with a minimum score of 154; and Core Mathematics (5732) with a minimum score of 131. In addition, students must meet a composite score of 455. There is no appeal to this policy. Students may receive information about the test, registration forms, test-taking assistance, and remediation in the Pathways Center. Additional information will be discussed in the ED 100 Foundations of American Education  course. All testing costs will be borne by the student. The test and/or individual subtests may be retaken until the student receives a passing score. Transfer students will be allowed to transfer their scores from other institutions; they will be allowed to take upper-division course work for one term without a passing score.

Wartburg teacher education graduates serve in public and private schools throughout the United States. Increasing public school teacher shortages provide opportunities for employment in many subjects and in a variety of geographic areas at the elementary and secondary levels. The Education Department and Pathways Center assist graduates in the job search.

Students must achieve a C- or above in all methods and professional core courses and endorsement courses.

Wartburg is one of only a few Iowa institutions accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). The college is also approved by the Iowa Department of Education and accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association.

Teacher Education Programs

Teacher education programs are offered in elementary teaching (grades K-8) and secondary teaching (grades 5-12). Licensure for early childhood and middle school classrooms is also available. Programs in elementary education require a major in elementary education and one endorsement; secondary programs require a teaching major in a subject area.

Students with elementary education teaching majors who are interested in teaching in secondary schools may do this by completing: one of the 5-12 teaching endorsement areas; ED 230 Teaching in the Secondary School ; PSY 211 Adolescent Development  (½) (or PSY 225 Life Span Human Development ); the Secondary Content Methods Course; and ED 483 Secondary School Teaching and Capstone Seminar  (with seven weeks of student teaching assignment in a middle school or high school setting). This option must be discussed and planned carefully with the adviser.


Upon declaration of majors, students are assigned an adviser who assists in preparing a course sequence plan and monitors progress throughout the program. Student progress is reviewed at multiple checkpoints throughout the program.

Admission to Teacher Education

Students apply for admission to the Teacher Education Program during their enrollment in ED 100 Foundations of American Education , normally during the first or second year. Application forms are available from the instructor or the Education Department.

Criteria for approval:

  1. Cumulative grade point average of 2.5 in all course work taken at Wartburg.
  2. Grade of C- or better in ED 100 Foundations of American Education , PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology , and EN 111 English Composition  (or ACT English score of 20 or higher).
  3. Passing grade (P) in ED 181 Field Experience: Foundations of American Education .
  4. Awareness of components of the Wartburg Teacher Education knowledge base.
  5. A positive recommendation from the student’s adviser(s).
  6. Human qualities that elicit a positive response from students and professional colleagues as measured by faculty recommendations and field experience evaluations.
  7. Demonstration of ethical and moral values and behaviors across all communities and consistent with professional standards promoted by the college and required for teacher licensure.
  8. Successful completion is defined as Core Reading (5712) with a minimum score of 156; Core Writing (5722) with a minimum score of 154; and Core Mathematics (5732) with a minimum score of 131. In addition, students must meet a composite score of 455.

Transfer students may be admitted to the Teacher Education Program after completing one term at Wartburg and meeting the above criteria.

A student denied admission or seeking a waiver may appeal as described in the Teacher Education Policy Manual.

Approval for Student Teaching

Students apply for student teaching approval at a formal meeting held the year before they student teach. Written application is made to the Education Department and the teaching major department. Approval is necessary before student teaching.

Criteria for approval:

  1. Continued fulfillment of all Teacher Education Program criteria.
  2. Completion of professional core courses.
  3. Demonstrated broad competencies in all areas of the Wartburg Teacher Education knowledge base.
  4. Passage of content and pedagogy test.
  5. Recommendation from the Education Department and the student’s adviser(s).

For transfer students, approval for student teaching requires completion of one term at Wartburg and admission to the Teacher Education Program at Wartburg. Transfer students should consult with the Education Department on specific requirements.

Completion of Teacher Education Program

Graduation from the Teacher Education Program requires:

  1. Passing grade in student teaching.
  2. Demonstration of comprehensive understanding of the performance-based outcomes of the Wartburg Teacher Education knowledge base.
  3. Requirements for Iowa licensure.



    MajorEndorsementMinor Endorsement