Sep 27, 2024  
2015-2016 Academic Catalog 
2015-2016 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions



  • PHY 311 Electricity and Magnetism

    Course Credit: 1
    Electrostatics, dielectrics, magnetism, magnetic induction, alternating current, Maxwell’s equations. Alternate years.

    Prerequisite(s): PHY 102  or PHY 204 ; MA 255  or concurrent enrollment.

  • PHY 313 Digital Electronics

    Course Credit: 1
    Switching circuits, digital logic, flip-flops, sequential and combinational circuits, number systems and arithmetic operations, counting circuit design, analog-to-digital converters, microprocessors. Independent study using programmed textual and laboratory materials. Offered as conventional course by request.

  • PHY 317 Optics

    Course Credit: 1
    Geometrical optics, physical optics using Fourier transform techniques, optical instrumentation, lasers, holography. Alternate years.

    Prerequisite(s): PHY 102  or PHY 204 ; MA 255  or concurrent enrollment.

  • PHY 320 Statistical Mechanics and Thermal Physics

    Course Credit: 1
    A rigorous treatment of classical thermodynamics, introduction to statistical mechanics including quantum statistics, canonical and grand canonical ensembles, general properties of the partition function, applications of statistical mechanics to fluid and solid systems. Winter Term even years.

    Prerequisite(s): PHY 207  or concurrent enrollment.

  • PHY 370 Topics in Astrophysics

    Course Credit: 1
    Introductory astrophysics course with rotating subjects. May focus on stellar astrophysics, planetary mechanics/planetology, or relativity/cosmology. Laboratory work and telescopic observation required. May repeat for credit. Fee. Winter Term odd years.

    Prerequisite(s): PHY 207  or concurrent enrollment.

  • PHY 371 Internship

    Course Credit: variable
    Integration of classroom theory with planned and supervised periods of progressively challenging employment related to students’ career objectives. Course credit applied toward a major requires department approval. Possible off-campus costs. P/D/F only.

    Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing, PHY 204 , and two physics courses, 2.5 cumulative and major grade point average, department approval.

  • PHY 372 Internship

    Course Credit: variable
    Integration of classroom theory with planned and supervised periods of progressively challenging employment related to students’ career objectives. Course credit applied toward a major requires department approval. Possible off-campus costs. P/D/F only.

    Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing, PHY 204 , and two physics courses, 2.5 cumulative and major grade point average, department approval.

  • PHY 395 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credit vary. See course schedule.

  • PHY 399 Supplemental Instruction: Physics

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Teaching practicum in a specific area of study. Student SI leaders participate in leader training, attend classes for which they serve as leaders, prepare and lead study sessions that reinforce course content, model and teach effective study strategies. P/D/F only.

  • PHY 414 Quantum Mechanics

    Course Credit: 1
    Discussion of inadequacies of classical physics when applied to problems in atomic and nuclear physics and development of mathematical formalism used in basic quantum theory, with applications to simple models of physical systems. Alternate years.

    Prerequisite(s): PHY 207  and third-year standing.

  • PHY 450 Independent Study and Research

    Course Credit: variable
    Independent study of selected topics arranged with the department.

  • PHY 455 Methods of Physical Research

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Methods of scientific study. Literature searches. Research process, data collection and analysis, preparation of figures and tables, grant/research proposal. Literature critiques and research proposal required.

    Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing or department approval.

  • PHY 456 Student-Originated Research

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Hands-on research experience. Students conduct independent research projects developed in PHY 455 . Lecture topics cover manuscript, poster preparation. Laboratory notebook, formal poster presentation, major report required.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Writing Intensive.

    Prerequisite(s): PHY 455 .

  • PHY 460 Perspectives in Physics

    Course Credit: 1
    Student readings, discussion, papers, presentations on the history and philosophy of physics, current ethical and social issues involving physics and society. Alternate years.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Writing Intensive. Capstone.

    Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year physics major.

  • PHY 470 Secondary Content Methods: Science

    Course Credit: 1
    Identical with BI 470  and CH 470 . Designed to precede secondary student teaching with emphasis on introducing, developing, practicing discipline-specific pedagogy, reviewing general teaching methods. Fall Term even years.

    Prerequisite(s): ED 230  and admission to Teacher Education Program.

  • PHY 495 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credit vary. See course schedule.

Political Science

  • PS 101 Introduction to American Politics

    Course Credit: 1
    Introduction to American national politics. Governmental structures and related political institutions, such as elections and public opinion.

  • PS 130 Contemporary Political Ideologies

    Course Credit: 1
    Survey of belief systems, including democracy, Marxism, Maoism, nationalism, Islamic nationalism, Pan-Africanism, nonviolence, militarism, terrorism, anarchism. Study of ideologies via the comparative method and within a framework that emphasizes theory, practical application, integration. May Term odd years.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Diversity.

  • PS 181 Field Experience

    Course Credit: variable
    Supervised exploratory experience outside the classroom. Incorporation of academic learning with a practical experience.

    Prerequisite(s): Department approval.

  • PS 195 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credit vary. See course schedule.

  • PS 207 State and Local Government

    Course Credit: 1
    Service-learning course examines organization, function, operation of state and local government in applied settings. Students are assigned to field placement sites and bring this experience into shared classroom discussions. Winter Term odd years.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Interconnected: Social Science.

  • PS 209 State and Local Government: Denver

    Course Credit: 1
    Experiential learning course provides students the opportunity to study state and local government in an urban setting. Students are assigned to field placement sites and bring this experience into classroom discussions. Fee. May Term even years.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Interconnected: Social Science. Diversity.

  • PS 220 Political Behavior

    Course Credit: 1
    Dynamics of public opinion, political socialization, voting behavior in contemporary American politics. Development of computer-based skills and techniques of survey data analysis.

  • PS 230 Political Psychology

    Course Credit: 1
    Identical with PSY 230 . Use of psychological theory and research, especially in the area of personality, to examine and analyze dimensions of the political process, such as making of political candidates, perceptions of political leaders, involvement in political activities, development of the democratic citizen.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Interconnected: Social Science.

    Prerequisite(s): PS 101  or PSY 101 .

  • PS 235 American Legislature and Judiciary

    Course Credit: 1
    Organization, functions, operation of legislative and judicial branches. Ten-day Washington, D.C., field trip studying these and related government agencies. P/D/F only. Fee. May Term even years.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Interconnected: Social Science.

  • PS 270 Comparative Political Systems

    Course Credit: 1
    Examination of comparative political systems from traditional and alternative perspectives. Selected current theoretical approaches to the study of diverse political systems. Basic concepts and definitions, concrete application of theories to selected countries of the world. Winter Term odd years.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Interconnected: Social Science.

  • PS 281 Field Experience

    Course Credit: variable
    Supervised exploratory experience outside the classroom. Incorporation of academic learning with a practical experience.

    Prerequisite(s): Department approval.

  • PS 290 Environmental Politics

    Course Credit: 1
    Interrelation of individuals, political processes, and the global environment. Emergence of environmental ideas and values and their intertwining with the policy process, issues regarding protection of the environment, international cooperation in environmental management. May Term even years.

  • PS 295 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credit vary. See course schedule.

  • PS 302 International Relations

    Course Credit: 1
    Historical development of theories and approaches to international relations. Development of nation-state system, interdependence of state and non-state actors, international economic linkages, economic security arrangements, military-political security arrangements and the new world order. Fall Term.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Writing Intensive. Interconnected: Social Science. Diversity.

  • PS 304 The Developing World

    Course Credit: 1
    Role of democratic and authoritarian regimes in less-developed countries. Interrelation between governmental policies and economic, political, military, social, cultural factors. Interdependent linkages with developed world systems, focus on developmental issues, human rights. Winter Term even years.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Writing Intensive. Interconnected: Social Science. Diversity.

  • PS 306 History of American Foreign Relations

    Course Credit: 1
    Identical with HI 306 . Foreign relations from the American Revolution to present. Concepts that guided and influenced American diplomacy. Winter Term even years.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Writing Intensive.

  • PS 308 The American Presidency

    Course Credit: 1
    U.S. presidential politics from presidential selection (nomination and election) to opportunities and constraints for effective presidential leadership across many roles (chief executive, commander-in-chief, chief lobbyist) and contrasting styles of presidential performance. Fall Term even years.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Writing Intensive. Interconnected: Social Science.

  • PS 309 Constitutional Law

    Course Credit: 1
    Role of the U.S. Constitution and the U.S. Supreme Court in our federal system of government. Relations among the three branches of the federal government, relations between the federal government and the states, civil rights, civil liberties. Fall Term even years.

  • PS 310 Policy Formulation, Administration, and Analysis

    Course Credit: 1
    Comparative analysis of the policy process, from formulation through administrative implementation. Focus on industrialized democracies, examining policy-making and administrative processes in a set of policy-issue domains and within the broader political-cultural environment. Winter Term even years.

  • PS 313 Political Philosophy

    Course Credit: 1
    Identical with PH 313 . Acquaintance with theoretical views of political organizations influential in the Western world and major contributors, such as Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Mill, Marx. Every third year.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Writing Intensive. Interconnected: Social Science.

  • PS 321 Research Methods and Data Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences

    Course Credit: 1
    Identical with PSY 321  and SO 321 . Assumptions, principles, methods of scientific inquiry. Descriptive and experimental research techniques, hypothesis formulation, research design. Behavioral science statistics integrated with research design, methodology, data analysis, interpretation. Fall Term.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Writing Intensive.

  • PS 343 Public Finance and Fiscal Policy

    Course Credit: 1
    Identical with EC 343 . Government revenue and expenditures at federal, state, local levels. Evaluation of economic effects of fiscal policy in stabilizing economic activity.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Writing Intensive.

    Prerequisite(s): EC 117 , EC 118  recommended.

  • PS 371 Internship

    Course Credit: variable
    Supervised exploratory experience outside the classroom. Incorporation of academic learning and practical experience. Possible off-campus costs.

    Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing, 2.0 cumulative and major GPA, instructor or department chair approval.

  • PS 372 Internship

    Course Credit: variable
    Supervised exploratory experience outside the classroom. Incorporation of academic learning and practical experience. Possible off-campus costs.

    Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing, 2.0 cumulative and major GPA, instructor or department chair approval.

  • PS 395 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credit vary. See course schedule.

  • PS 399 Supplemental Instruction: Political Science

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Teaching practicum in a specific area of study. Student SI leaders participate in leader training, attend classes for which they serve as leaders, prepare and lead study sessions that reinforce course content, model and teach effective study strategies. P/D/F only.

  • PS 421 Advanced Research Methods and Data Analysis

    Course Credit: 1
    Identical with PSY 421  and SO 421 . In-depth review and evaluation of principles of research design, conduct, data analysis. Research investigation designed, executed, reported by student in consultation with instructor. Topic chosen by student. Winter Term.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Writing Intensive.

    Prerequisite(s): PS 321 .

  • PS 450 Independent Study

    Course Credit: variable
    Independent additional study. Preparation of major scholarly paper. Must be approved and supervised by political science faculty member.

  • PS 460 Perspectives in Political Science

    Course Credit: 1
    Critical examination of epistemological and ethical issues in political inquiry. The role of paradigms, facts, values. The pretense to scientific neutrality in interpreting political reality. Political study as pure and applied science. Reading, writing, discussion seminar. P/D/F only. Winter Term.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Writing Intensive. Capstone.

    Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing political science or international relations major.

  • PS 495 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credit vary. See course schedule.


  • PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology

    Course Credit: 1
    Survey of the diverse field of psychology. Examination of theory, research, applications related to individual behavior. Learning and memory, motivation and emotion, intellectual and social development, personality, mental disorders, psychotherapy, social influence, brain functioning.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Interconnected: Social Science.

  • PSY 195 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credit vary. See course schedule.

  • PSY 210 Child Development

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Physical, social, cognitive, emotional development of children from prenatal phase to age 12. Theories of development and their application to child rearing and education.  Fall Term.

    Prerequisite(s): PSY 101 , second-year elementary education major or instructor approval.

    Notes: Credit cannot be obtained in both PSY 210 and PSY 225.
  • PSY 211 Adolescent Development

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Physical, social, cognitive, emotional development during adolescent years, ages 11 to 22. Theories of development and their application to educating and working with adolescents.  Fall Term.

    Prerequisite(s): PSY 101 , second-year secondary education major or instructor approval.

    Notes: Credit cannot be obtained in both PSY 211 and PSY 225 unless instructor permission is obtained.
  • PSY 220 Stress and Adjustment

    Course Credit: 1
    Common problems associated with stress, coping, adjustment. Nature and consequences of stress, normal personality development, problems and coping strategies associated with interpersonal relations, marriage, parenting, work, sex.

    Prerequisite(s): PSY 101 .

  • PSY 222 Cognitive Psychology

    Course Credit: 1
    Examines fundamental concepts and processes involved in cognition such as attention, perception, memory, language, decision-making, and cognitive development. Evaluates existing models, theories and experimental methodology. Examines theoretical applications. Fall Term.

    Prerequisite(s): PSY 101 .

  • PSY 224 Abnormal Psychology

    Course Credit: 1
    Description, theory, research regarding abnormal behavior and forms of psychopathology. Coverage of diagnostic systems, etiology, treatment considerations.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Interconnected: Social Science.

    Prerequisite(s): PSY 101 .

  • PSY 225 Life Span Human Development

    Course Credit: 1
    Physical, emotional, social, mental development of the individual throughout life. Growth, change, decline influenced by genetics, environment, maturation, learning.  Fall Term.

    Prerequisite(s): PSY 101 ; second-year standing.

    Notes: Credit cannot be obtained in either PSY 210 or PSY 211 and PSY 225. Instructor permission needed to receive degree credit for both PSY 211 and PSY 225.
  • PSY 229 Theories of Personality

    Course Credit: 1
    Examination and evaluation of major psychological theories of personality representing a broad range of perspectives (psychodynamic, learning, humanistic/existential, dispositional, biological/evolutionary) and methods used in personality research and assessment. Application of personality theories to practical situations. Winter Term even years.

    Prerequisite(s): PSY 101 .

  • PSY 230 Political Psychology

    Course Credit: 1
    Identical with PS 230 . Use of psychological theory and research, especially in the area of personality, to examine and analyze dimensions of the political process, such as making of political candidates, perceptions of political leaders, involvement in political activities, development of the democratic citizen.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Interconnected: Social Science.

    Prerequisite(s): PS 101  or PSY 101 .

  • PSY 240 Social Psychology

    Course Credit: 1
    Identical with SO 240 . Examination of the interplay between sociology and psychology to understand the behavior of individuals and groups. Theory, research, applications that relate to social phenomena, such as social cognition, attitude formation and change, conformity and obedience, aggression, prosocial behavior, interpersonal attraction, socialization.

    Prerequisite(s): PSY 101  or SO 101 .

  • PSY 270 Perspectives in Psychology I

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Introduction to the discipline of psychology. Exploration of professional and graduate training, career options, ethical principles, standards for written communication in psychology. Seminar with emphasis on communication skills. Winter Term.

    Prerequisite(s): Second-year standing and declared psychology major.

  • PSY 295 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credit vary. See course schedule.

  • PSY 303 Counseling Psychology

    Course Credit: 1
    Counseling and psychotherapy theories, methods in relation to personal adjustment. Professional issues, responsibilities, ethical problems in the counseling relationship.

    Prerequisite(s): PSY 101 .

  • PSY 314 Psychological Tests and Measurements

    Course Credit: 1
    Measurement principles and their application to educational, personnel, therapeutic settings. Focus on understanding and evaluating standardized tests, such as achievement, intelligence, interest, personality tests. Winter Term odd years.

    Prerequisite(s): PSY 101 .

  • PSY 321 Research Methods and Data Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences

    Course Credit: 1
    Identical with PS 321  and SO 321 . Assumptions, principles, methods of scientific inquiry. Descriptive and experimental research techniques, hypothesis formulation, research design. Behavioral science statistics integrated with research design, methodology, data analysis, interpretation. Fall Term.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Writing Intensive.

  • PSY 327 Psychology of Gender

    Course Credit: 1
    Identical with WS 327 . Theory and evidence regarding gender differences and similarities in biological, social, psychological aspects of behavior. Gender roles, communication, identity, moral reasoning, parenting. Winter Term even years.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Interconnected: Social Science.

    Prerequisite(s): PSY 101 .

  • PSY 328 Health Psychology

    Course Credit: 1
    Reciprocal relationships between physical health and psychological phenomena. Role of behavior in the development of disease and impact of psychological factors on disease course. Examination of stress and illness, patient-provider relations and pain management. Winter Term odd years.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Interconnected: Social Science.

    Prerequisite(s): PSY 101 .

  • PSY 329 Applications of Memory

    Course Credit: 1
    Connects major theories in memory and everyday applications of those theories. Topics include eyewitness testimony, déjà vu, and flashbulb memories. Critical analysis and integration of published literature are emphasized. May Term even years.

    Prerequisite(s): PSY 101 .

  • PSY 330 Cross-Cultural Psychology

    Course Credit: 1
    A multicultural examination of various psychological concepts, such as emotions, cognition, physical and mental health. Winter Term odd years.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Diversity.

    Prerequisite(s): PSY 101 .

  • PSY 381 Field Experience

    Course Credit: variable
    Supervised exploratory experience outside the classroom. Psychological concepts and principles examined in an applied setting. P/D/F only. Possible off-campus costs. Usually May Term.

    Prerequisite(s): Instructor approval.

  • PSY 395 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credit vary. See course schedule.

  • PSY 399 Supplemental Instruction: Psychology

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Teaching practicum in a specific area of study. Student SI leaders participate in leader training, attend classes for which they serve as leaders, prepare and lead study sessions that reinforce course content, model and teach effective study strategies. P/D/F only.

  • PSY 421 Advanced Research Methods and Data Analysis

    Course Credit: 1
    Identical with PS 421  and SO 421 . In-depth review and evaluation of principles of research design, conduct, data analysis. Research investigation designed, executed, reported by student in consultation with instructor. Topic chosen by student. Winter Term.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Writing Intensive.

    Prerequisite(s): PSY 321 .

  • PSY 422 Advanced Human Learning

    Course Credit: 1
    Structured individual study analyzing and evaluating in depth a selected topic in human learning approved by instructor. Seminar integration of topic areas; oral and written communication skill emphasis.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Writing Intensive.

    Prerequisite(s): PSY 222 , fourth-year standing, or instructor approval.

  • PSY 423 Advanced Social Psychology

    Course Credit: 1
    Structured individual study analyzing and evaluating in depth a selected topic in social psychology approved by the instructor. Seminar integration of topic areas; oral and written communication skill emphasis.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Writing Intensive.

    Prerequisite(s): PSY 240  or PSY 328  , fourth-year standing, or instructor approval.

  • PSY 424 Advanced Clinical Psychology

    Course Credit: 1
    Structured individual study analyzing and evaluating in depth a selected topic in clinical psychology approved by the instructor. Seminar integration of topic areas; oral and written communication skill emphasis.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Writing Intensive.

    Prerequisite(s): PSY 224  or PSY 328 , fourth-year standing, or instructor approval.

  • PSY 425 Advanced Human Development

    Course Credit: 1
    Structured individual study analyzing and evaluating in depth a selected topic in human development approved by the instructor. Seminar integration of topic areas; oral and written communication skill emphasis.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Writing Intensive.

    Prerequisite(s): PSY 225 , fourth-year standing, or instructor approval.

  • PSY 426 Advanced Neuropsychology

    Course Credit: 1
    In depth, structured individual study analyzing and evaluating a selected topic in neuroscience as approved by instructor. Seminar integration of topic areas. Oral and written communication skill emphasis.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Writing Intensive.

    Prerequisite(s): NSC 135 , fourth-year standing or instructor approval.

  • PSY 450 Independent Study and Research

    Course Credit: variable
    In-depth readings and research in cooperation with instructor on a selected, approved topic.

    Prerequisite(s): Four psychology course credits and department chair approval.

  • PSY 470 Perspectives in Psychology II

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Examination of historical, conceptual, professional themes and influences that have shaped the discipline of psychology. Contemporary problems, controversies, and psychology’s relationship to the rest of society. Seminar with emphasis on communication skills. Winter Term.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Capstone.

    Prerequisite(s): Four psychology course credits or instructor approval or PSY 270 .

  • PSY 495 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credit vary. See course schedule.


  • RE 101 Literature of the Old and New Testaments

    Course Credit: 1
    Content of Biblical literature. Historical setting of texts, unfolding drama of salvation, Bible’s relevance for contemporary faith and life.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Faith and Reflection.

  • RE 150 Methods in the Study of Religion

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Introduction to the academic study of religion, its purposes, types, methods, research. Winter Term.

    Prerequisite(s): RE 101  or concurrent enrollment.

  • RE 181 Field Experience

    Course Credit: 1
    May Term off-campus placement in a parish or church-related agency for observation of church vocations and practical experience. Supervision by local church or institution. Possible off-campus costs. Does not apply to major. P/D/F only.

    Prerequisite(s): First- or second-year student; instructor approval.

  • RE 195 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credit vary. See course schedule.

  • RE 200 Christian Faith and Life

    Course Credit: 1
    Principal doctrines of the Christian faith. Critical reflection on Christian claims in light of human experience.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Faith and Reflection.

    Prerequisite(s): RE 101 .

  • RE 201 American Denominations

    Course Credit: 1
    Histories, distinctive beliefs, worship practices of the major Christian denominations. Examination of denominationalism as a factor in American religious life.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Faith and Reflection.

  • RE 202 World Religions in Dialogue

    Course Credit: 1
    Religions of the world, their scriptures, rituals, beliefs, ethical and social implications. Foundational study of each religion, then dialogical study comparing it with others. Special attention to Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, indigenous religions.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Faith and Reflection. Diversity.

  • RE 210 Theology and Ethics of Martin Luther King

    Course Credit: 1
    An academic and experiential study of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s life, ministry and writings. Includes eight days of travel to sites of the civil rights movement. Considers King’s contemporary legacy. Fee. May Term every third year.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Faith and Reflection. Diversity.

  • RE 215 Contemporary Moral Problems: Poverty or Racism

    Course Credit: 1
    Integration of biblical, theological, sociological perspectives to guide ethical action on contemporary issues. Ethical analysis of related public policy concerns. Rotating themes in alternate years. Possible Fee. May repeat for credit.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Faith and Reflection. Diversity.

    Prerequisite(s): RE 101 .

    Notes: May repeat for credit.
  • RE 222 Sexual Ethics

    Course Credit: 1
    The moral nature of humans as sexual beings. Attention to the major religious and philosophical systems of the Western world (especially Christianity), to cases and issues of contemporary debate, and to the intersection of religion with biology and the health sciences.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Interconnected: Humanities/Fine Arts.

  • RE 241 Religious Cults/Contemporary Religious Movements

    Course Credit: 1
    Spiritual, psychological, sociological phenomena of religious cults/contemporary religious movements. General patterns and motivations of cultic movements. Focus on groups active in America today. Fee.

  • RE 255 Urban Ministry

    Course Credit: 1
    Analysis of the church’s mission in the city. Includes experiences with social justice ministries and study of spiritual, economic, political, social contexts using an action-reflection model. Denver or other urban setting. P/D/F only. Fee. May Term.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Interconnected: Social Science. Diversity.

  • RE 257 The Church in Latin America

    Course Credit: 1
    Role of the church in Latin America in historical, political, and social context studied through participation in service projects and with a focus on understanding poverty. The interpretation of Biblical texts through third-world eyes. Fee. May Term.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Faith and Reflection. Diversity.

    Prerequisite(s): RE 101 .

  • RE 277 Reformation Then and Now

    Course Credit: 1
    On-site study of the historical Lutheran Reformation and contemporary role of the church in the “new reformation” in Eastern Europe. P/D/F only. Fee. May Term.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Faith and Reflection. Diversity.

    Prerequisite(s): Instructor approval.

  • RE 295 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credit vary. See course schedule.

  • RE 301 Old Testament Themes

    Course Credit: 1
    In-depth study of creation theology, prophecy, wisdom literature, or another genre or theme within the Hebrew Scriptures. Rotating topics. May repeat for credit.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Faith and Reflection.

    Prerequisite(s): RE 101 .

    Notes: May repeat for credit.
  • RE 302 New Testament Studies

    Course Credit: 1
    In-depth study of an author, book, genre, or theme within the New Testament. Rotating topics. May repeat for credit.

    Prerequisite(s): RE 101 .

    Notes: May repeat for credit.
  • RE 304 Lutheran Heritage

    Course Credit: 1
    Life and theology of Luther. Growth of Lutheranism in Europe and America. Recent developments in world Lutheranism. Winter Term.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Faith and Reflection.

  • RE 307 Philosophy of Religion

    Course Credit: 1
    Identical with PH 307 . Survey and analysis of religious experience, existence of God, good and evil, logic of religious discourse. Every third year.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Writing Intensive. Faith and Reflection.

  • RE 310 Living with Death

    Course Credit: 1
    Personal, cultural, biblical, religious significance of death. Meanings of life, suffering, grief, doubt, suicide, euthanasia, transplants, funerals.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Faith and Reflection. Diversity.

  • RE 311 Women in Bible and Culture

    Course Credit: 1
    Identical with WS 311 . Women in the Old and New Testaments, women’s roles in Hebrew and Greco-Roman society, prominent biblical women in church tradition, the interplay of culture and interpretation, women and the ministry. May Term even years.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Faith and Reflection.

    Prerequisite(s): RE 101 .

  • RE 312 End of the World in Bible and Culture

    Course Credit: 1
    Origins, worldview, characteristics of apocalyptic literature, both biblical and extra-biblical. History of the interpretation of apocalyptic texts with a special focus on American culture and politics.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Faith and Reflection.

    Prerequisite(s): RE 101 .


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