Sep 27, 2024  
2015-2016 Academic Catalog 
2015-2016 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions



  • ED 361 Middle School Curriculum

    Course Credit: 1
    Overview of curriculum developments in the middle school. Recent trends affecting middle school curriculum. Fall Term even years.

    Prerequisite(s): ED 100 . Corequisite(s): ED 384 .

  • ED 364 Community and Collaborative Partnerships in Special Education

    Course Credit: 1
    Services, networks, organizations of support. Systems theory. Consultative roles. Work with regular classroom teachers. May Term odd years.

    Prerequisite(s): ED 214  and ED 284 .

  • ED 381 Field Experience in Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education

    Course Credit: variable
    Insight into teaching by working in an early childhood, elementary, or secondary school setting. P/D/F only.

    Prerequisite(s): Third-year standing, admission to Teacher Education Program.

  • ED 382 Field Experience: Remedial Reading

    Course Credit: 0
    Twenty-five hour practicum in a remedial reading setting in the elementary or secondary school. P/D/F only. Winter Term.

    Corequisite(s): ED 324 .

  • ED 383 Field Experience: Educational Psychology

    Course Credit: 0
    Twenty-five-hour field experience to apply concepts emphasized in ED 315  Educational Psychology. Twelve to 15 hours working with individual students. P/D/F only.

    Prerequisite(s): Third-year standing, admission to Teacher Education Program. Corequisite(s): ED 315 .

  • ED 384 Field Experience: Middle School

    Course Credit: 0
    Thirty hours in middle school math, science, language arts, social studies classrooms. Participation with middle school curriculum and students. P/D/F only. Fall Term even years.

    Corequisite(s): ED 361 .

  • ED 385 Field Experience: Elementary School Reading

    Course Credit: 0
    Fifteen-hour experience in an elementary classroom to utilize concepts developed in ED 321  Teaching Elementary School Reading. P/D/F only.

    Prerequisite(s): Third-year standing, admission to Teacher Education Program. Corequisite(s): ED 321 .

  • ED 390 Research in Reading

    Course Credit: 1
    Research in reading pedagogy and practice. Classroom action research projects. Research paper. May Term.

    Prerequisite(s): ED 323 , ED 324 , ED 350 .

  • ED 395 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credit vary. See course schedule.

  • ED 399 Supplemental Instruction: Education

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Teaching practicum in a specific area of study. Student SI leaders participate in leader training, attend classes for which they serve as leaders, prepare and lead study sessions that reinforce course content, model and teach effective study strategies. P/D/F only.

  • ED 450 Independent Study and Research

    Course Credit: variable
    Research report, literature report, seminar participation, action research in a classroom, or field study. Student-planned in consultation with course instructor.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Teacher Education Program.

  • ED 455 Special Methods: Foreign Language (Elementary)

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Required for all foreign language endorsements with an elementary education major.

    Prerequisite(s): Third-year standing.

  • ED 470 Secondary Content Methods: Social Studies

    Course Credit: 1
    Designed to precede secondary student teaching with emphasis on introducing, developing, practicing discipline-specific pedagogy and reviewing general teaching methods. Fall and/or Winter Terms.

    Prerequisite(s): ED 230  and admission to Teacher Education Program.

  • ED 480 Student Teaching: Special Education

    Course Credit: 2
    Seven weeks of full days in a special education setting. Experiences in total program of the school. P/D/F only. Fee.

    Prerequisite(s): Pass the content and pedagogy test, approval for student teaching.

  • ED 481 Early Childhood Practicum

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Fifty-hour practicum in a preschool or daycare setting. P/D/F only. May Term even years.

    Prerequisite(s): ED 354  or ED 356 . Corequisite(s): ED 355 .

  • ED 482 Elementary Student Teaching and Capstone Seminar

    Course Credit: 2-4
    Seven to 14 weeks of full days at two different elementary levels. Experience in an elementary classroom and participation in total program of the school. P/D/F only. Fee.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Capstone.

    Prerequisite(s): Pass the content and pedagogy test, approval for student teaching.

  • ED 483 Secondary School Teaching and Capstone Seminar

    Course Credit: 2-4
    Seven to 14 weeks of full days in secondary classrooms with participation in total program of the secondary school. P/D/F only. Fee.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Capstone.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Teacher Education Program, pass the content and pedagogy test, approval for student teaching.

  • ED 484 Prekindergarten and Kindergarten Student Teaching and Capstone Seminar

    Course Credit: 2
    Seven weeks of full days teaching in a prekindergarten or kindergarten setting. P/D/F only. Fee.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Capstone.

    Prerequisite(s): Pass the content and pedagogy test, approval for student teaching.

  • ED 485 Music Student Teaching and Capstone Seminar

    Course Credit: 3
    Fourteen weeks of full days teaching music at the elementary and secondary levels. P/D/F only. Fee. Fall Term.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Capstone.

    Prerequisite(s): Pass the content and pedagogy test, approval for student teaching.

  • ED 486 K-12 Physical Education Student Teaching and Capstone Seminar

    Course Credit: 2-4
    Seven to 14 weeks of full days teaching elementary and secondary physical education with participation in total program of the schools. P/D/F only.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Capstone.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Teacher Education Program, pass the content and pedagogy test, approval for student teaching.

  • ED 487 K-12 Art Student Teaching and Capstone Seminar

    Course Credit: 4
    Fourteen weeks of full days teaching elementary and secondary art with participation in total program of the schools. P/D/F only.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Capstone.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Teacher Education Program, pass the content and pedagogy test, approval for student teaching.

  • ED 488 Middle School Student Teaching

    Course Credit: 2
    Seven weeks of full days teaching at the middle school level. P/D/F only.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Capstone.

    Prerequisite(s): Pass the content and pedagogy test. Corequisite(s): ED 482  or ED 483 .

  • ED 489 5-12 Health Student Teaching

    Course Credit: 2
    Seven weeks of full days teaching in health at the 5-12 level. P/D/F only.

    Prerequisite(s): Pass the content and pedagogy test. Corequisite(s): ED 486 .

  • ED 495 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credit vary. See course schedule.

  • ED 525 Teacher Induction and Mentoring I

    Course Credit: 0.25
    Graduate course restricted to practicing PK-12 teachers serving as supervising/cooperating teachers to Wartburg pre-service teachers. The course will enhance understanding of appropriate pre-service teacher supervision through induction and mentoring.

  • ED 526 Cooperating Teacher Supervision and Assessment

    Course Credit: 0.25
    Graduate course for cooperating teachers of Wartburg student teachers. Development and enhancement of supervision and assessment knowledge, skills, and behaviors. Winter Term.

English for International Students

  • EI 101 American English Language and Culture

    Course Credit: 1
    Overview of American culture, institutions, values. Emphasis on making sense of American culture through data collection, group discussion, teamwork, individual writing, speaking, reflection. Comparison and contrast of U.S. culture with student preconceptions and understanding of their own cultures. Assignments, in-class discussions to help improve spoken and written skills, listening, reading comprehension. Grammar, vocabulary issues related to class assignments, discussion. Open to U.S. and international students.

    Prerequisite(s): TOEFL below 550.

  • EI 111 English Composition Intensive

    Course Credit: 1
    Basic college-level writing and the writing process. Intensive work in expression and organization. Designed for multi-lingual learners. Enrollment eligibility determined by Registrar.


  • EN 111 English Composition

    Course Credit: 1
    Basic college-level writing and the writing process. Frequent conferences leading to development of the ability to analyze one’s own writing.

  • EN 112 Intermediate Composition

    Course Credit: 1
    Practice in the process of composition. Emphasis on argumentation, research, essentials of good writing, cultivation of critical facility.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Verbal Reasoning.

    Prerequisite(s): EI 111  or EN 111 .

  • EN 150 Introduction to Literature

    Course Credit: 1
    Introduction to the principal forms of literary texts. Beginning study of literary genres, terminology, critical approaches, analysis, writing about literature.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Interconnected: Humanities/Fine Arts.

  • EN 155 Introduction to Film

    Course Credit: 1
    Film as a visual, auditory, narrative form of cultural representation. Focus on techniques and/or history, as well as films that enact cinema’s role as a vehicle for mass cultural values.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Interconnected: Humanities/Fine Arts.

  • EN 156 Introduction to Myth and Folklore

    Course Credit: 1
    Exploration of myth and folklore in cross-cultural context. Theoretical approaches; archetypes; myth structure; folktales; popular culture. May Term odd years.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Interconnected: Humanities/Fine Arts. Diversity.

  • EN 195 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credit vary. See course schedule.

  • EN 201 Survey of British Literature I

    Course Credit: 1
    Beginnings to 1785. Fall Term odd years.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Interconnected: Humanities/Fine Arts.

  • EN 202 Survey of British Literature II

    Course Credit: 1
    1785 to the present. Winter Term even years.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Interconnected: Humanities/Fine Arts.

  • EN 205 Survey of World Literature I

    Course Credit: 1
    Ancient through Renaissance. Early Middle Eastern, Mediterranean, European, Asian, African, Mesoamerican traditions. Fall Term odd years.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Interconnected: Humanities/Fine Arts. Diversity.

  • EN 206 Survey of World Literature II

    Course Credit: 1
    Eighteenth century to present. Europe, Asia, Africa, Middle East, Latin America. Fall Term even years.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Interconnected: Humanities/Fine Arts. Diversity.

  • EN 208 Survey of American Literature I

    Course Credit: 1
    Colonial to Civil War. Fall Term even years.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Interconnected: Humanities/Fine Arts.

  • EN 209 Survey of American Literature II

    Course Credit: 1
    Civil War to the present. Winter Term odd years.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Interconnected: Humanities/Fine Arts.

  • EN 211 Survey of Drama

    Course Credit: 1
    Study of representative plays from the classical Greek to modern American periods. Close reading of texts. Emphasis on the development of drama and its historical and social contexts. May Term odd years.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Interconnected: Humanities/Fine Arts.

  • EN 218 Introduction to the Graphic Novel

    Course Credit: 1
    Encourages understanding on the flexibility of the comic medium. Explores cross-cutting culture themes such as creativity, history, expressive arts, literature. May Term even years.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Interconnected: Humanities/Fine Arts.

  • EN 219 Screenwriting

    Course Credit: 1
    Introduction to screenwriting. Production of original work based on creative writing techniques, film vocabulary, and the literary study of film adaptations. Workshop format. Winter Term even years.

    Prerequisite(s): EN 112  or instructor approval.

  • EN 220 Poetry Writing

    Course Credit: 1
    Experiments in poetry with analysis, criticism, suggestions for improvement. Writing of poetry. Workshop format. Fall Term even years.

  • EN 221 Fiction Writing

    Course Credit: 1
    Experiments in fiction with analysis, criticism, suggestions for improvement. Writing of short stories. Workshop format. Winter Term.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Writing Intensive.

  • EN 222 Creative Non-Fiction Writing

    Course Credit: 1
    Experiments in essays with analysis, criticism, suggestions for improvement. Writing of various forms of literary essays. Workshop format. Fall Term odd years.

  • EN 244 Young Adult Literature

    Course Credit: 1
    Survey of literature for young adult learners, covering a variety of genres and themes. Establish criteria to select, evaluate, and design developmentally appropriate instruction. Onsite at Wartburg West in Denver, Colo. even years. May Term.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Interconnected: Humanities/Fine Arts.

    Prerequisite(s): Denver section requires instructor approval.

  • EN 250 Text Analysis and Research Methods

    Course Credit: 1
    Introduction to the modes of textual analysis, critical theory, and research methods used in the field of literary, film, and performance studies. Fall Term odd years.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Writing Intensive.

  • EN 252 Film History

    Course Credit: 1
    Historical review of film as a developing art form, a progressive series of technological innovation, and an evolving “industry.” May Term odd years.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Interconnected: Humanities/Fine Arts.

  • EN 253 Film and Society

    Course Credit: 1
    Explores the interaction between film and social phenomena by focusing on cinematic images and narratives. Fall Term odd years.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Interconnected: Humanities/Fine Arts.

  • EN 257 Studies in Film Authorship

    Course Credit: 1
    Studies auteur theory through the examination of influential film makers. Fall Term even years.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Interconnected: Humanities/Fine Arts.

  • EN 261 England: A Literary Tour

    Course Credit: 1
    On-site study of places with historical, cultural, and especially literary significance. Four to nine days in London with shorter stays in Bath, Oxford, Stratford, the Lake District, Edinburgh, York, Cambridge, Canterbury. May Term even years.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Diversity.

    Prerequisite(s): GM 261 .

  • EN 295 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credit vary. See course schedule.

  • EN 314 Major Women Writers

    Course Credit: 1
    Identical with WS 314 . Survey of major women writers and the context of their writing. Writing of critical papers. Seminar format. May Term even years.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Diversity.

    Prerequisite(s): EN 150  or instructor approval.

  • EN 316 Shakespeare

    Course Credit: 1
    Close study of Shakespeare’s major plays. Winter Term odd years.

    Prerequisite(s): EN 150  or instructor approval.

  • EN 322 Studies in the Novel

    Course Credit: 1
    Close study of the novel genre, focusing on the literary and cultural significance of representative texts. Winter Term even years.

  • EN 325 Business Communication

    Course Credit: 1
    Identical with BA 325 . Communication skills needed for success in business. Includes business letter, memo, report writing. Oral presentation skills, job application skills, communication theory, technology.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Writing Intensive.

    Prerequisite(s): COM 112  and third- or fourth-year standing.

  • EN 331 Structure of English

    Course Credit: 1
    Study of the structure, development, history of English. Fall Term.

  • EN 340 The Secret History of Books

    Course Credit: 1
    Hands-on approach to the global history of the book. Includes making books, studying the history of print and electronic media, and exploring connections to religion, gender, race, class, and disability. May Term odd years.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Diversity.

    Prerequisite(s): Second-year standing or instructor approval.

  • EN 371 Internship

    Course Credit: variable
    Integration of classroom theory with planned and supervised periods of progressively challenging employment related to students’ career objectives. Possible off-campus costs. P/D/F only.

    Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing, 2.0 cumulative and major GPA, and department approval.

  • EN 372 Internship

    Course Credit: variable
    Integration of classroom theory with planned and supervised periods of progressively challenging employment related to students’ career objectives. Possible off-campus costs. P/D/F only.

    Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing, 2.0 cumulative and major GPA, and department approval.

  • EN 381 Field Experience

    Course Credit: variable
    Supervised exploratory experience outside the classroom. Application of academic learning to practical experience. P/D/F only. Possible off-campus costs.

    Prerequisite(s): Instructor approval.

  • EN 385 Theatre and Culture

    Course Credit: 1
    An overview of cultural influences on theatre in the western tradition from ancient Greece to the present. Winter Term odd years.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Interconnected: Humanities/Fine Arts.

  • EN 395 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credit vary. See course schedule.

  • EN 399 Supplemental Instruction: English

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Teaching practicum in a specific area of study. Student SI leaders participate in leader training, attend classes for which they serve as leaders, prepare and lead study sessions that reinforce course content, model and teach effective study strategies. P/D/F only.

  • EN 450 Independent Study

    Course Credit: variable
    Independent in-depth study of an author, works, or special forms of composition.

  • EN 460 Capstone Seminar

    Course Credit: 1
    Focuses on student demonstration of writing research skills and ability to engage with current issues in the discipline. Seminar format.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Writing Intensive. Capstone.

    Prerequisite(s): EN 150  or instructor approval.

  • EN 470 Secondary Content Methods: English/Journalism

    Course Credit: 1
    Designed to precede secondary student teaching with emphasis on introducing, developing, practicing discipline-specific pedagogy, reviewing general teaching methods. Fall Term.

    Prerequisite(s): ED 230 ; admission to Teacher Education Program.

  • EN 495 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credit vary. See course schedule.

Engineering Science

  • ES 151 Modern Engineering Analysis I

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Use of computational and mathematical tools in engineering. Spreadsheets, microcontroller programming, solid modeling, CAE, design project. Lab course. Fall Term.

    Prerequisite(s): MA 90 .

  • ES 152 Modern Engineering Analysis II

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Continued introduction to the use of computational and mathematical tools in engineering. Computational structural analysis, general FEM, virtual instrumentation. Lab course. Winter Term.

    Prerequisite(s): ES 151 .

  • ES 195 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credits vary. See course schedule.

  • ES 204 Electrical Circuits

    Course Credit: 1
    Introduction to electrical circuit analysis. AC/DC currents, Kirchoff’s Laws, Ohm’s Law. Resistive networks. Linear circuits. Power transfer. Filters and resonant circuits. Measurement techniques. Lab. Fee. Fall Term.

    Prerequisite(s): MA 250  or MA 252 .

  • ES 205 Structural Statics

    Course Credit: 1
    Structural elements. Truss-structures. Statically determinate beam structures. Area, centroids, moments of area. Stress/strain relationships. Measurement techniques. Winter Term.

    Prerequisite(s): MA 250  or concurrent enrollment.

  • ES 206 Thermal Science

    Course Credit: 1
    Introduction to engineering thermodynamics. Thermodynamic properties and states. 0th, 1st, 2nd Laws. Vapor and gas cycles. Psychrometrics. Fall Term.

    Prerequisite(s): MA 250  or concurrent enrollment.

  • ES 230 Engineering Economic Analysis

    Course Credit: 1
    Engineering cost-benefit estimation. Interest and equivalence. Present worth, annual cost, rate of return analysis. Depreciation and taxes. Replacement costs. Winter Term.

    Prerequisite(s): MA 90 .

  • ES 251 Machinery and Manufacturing

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Techniques of fabrication of parts using machines. Measurement techniques, use of hand tools, basic machining techniques, introduction to CNC. Fall Term.

    Prerequisite(s): ES 205  or concurrent enrollment.

  • ES 295 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credits vary. See course schedule.

  • ES 303 Structural Analysis

    Course Credit: 1
    Statically indeterminate structures. Beam bending, columns and buckling, shear stress/ strain. Combined stresses. Introduction to finite element methods. Design component. Winter Term.

    Prerequisite(s): ES 205 .

  • ES 304 Fluid Mechanics

    Course Credit: 1
    Fluid properties and states. Continuity, Bernoulli equations, hydrostatics. Steady internal flow. Frictional losses. Similitude and dimensional analysis. External flows. Design component. Lab. Fee. Winter Term.

    Prerequisite(s): ES 206 .

  • ES 305 Electronics and Digital Systems

    Course Credit: 1
    Identical with PHY 305 . Logic circuits, microprocessors, computer-based instrumentation. Diodes, amplifiers, FETs, BJTs, op-amps. Winter Term.

    Prerequisite(s): ES 204 .

  • ES 310 Dynamics

    Course Credit: 1
    Kinematics and kinetics of particles, rigid bodies. Newtonian, work-energy, impulse-momentum methods. Fall Term.

    Prerequisite(s): ES 205 .

  • ES 320 Engineering Materials

    Course Credit: 1
    Chemical, electrical, mechanical, physical properties of materials. Metals, ceramics, polymers, composites. Failure and degradation. Fall Term.

    Prerequisite(s): CH 113 ; ES 205 .

  • ES 350 Engineering Design Methods

    Course Credit: 1
    Learn design methods and tools through development of team project. Problem formulation. Requirements and specification development. Functional analysis, mathematical modeling, concept evaluation and selection, failure analysis. Prototyping, fabrication and testing. Economic analysis. Professional communication. Winter Term.

    Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing or instructor approval.

  • ES 360 Preliminary Design Project

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Student design project. Problem selection and formulation. Research of existing products/designs. Initial generation of alternatives, analysis, selection. Oral and written presentation of design reports. May repeat for a maximum of 1.5 course credits. Fall Term.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Writing Intensive.

    Prerequisite(s): ES 350 , third-year standing.

    Notes: May repeat for a maximum of 1.5 course credits.
  • ES 371 Internship

    Course Credit: variable
    Integration of classroom theory with planned and supervised periods of progressively challenging employment related to students’ career objectives. Only one internship course credit applies toward an engineering science major. P/D/F only.

    Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourthyear standing, 2.0 cumulative GPA, 2.75 major GPA, department approval.

  • ES 372 Internship

    Course Credit: variable
    Integration of classroom theory with planned and supervised periods of progressively challenging employment related to students’ career objectives. Only one internship course credit applies toward an engineering science major. P/D/F only.

    Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourthyear standing, 2.0 cumulative GPA, 2.75 major GPA, department approval.

  • ES 395 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credits vary. See course schedule.

  • ES 399 Supplemental Instruction: Engineering Science

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Teaching practicum in a specific area of study. Student SI leaders participate in leader training, attend classes for which they serve as leaders, prepare and lead study sessions that reinforce course content, model, teach effective study strategies. P/D/F only.

  • ES 402 Engineering Seminar

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Quantitative and qualitative cost-benefit analysis. Detailed examination of the Canon of Engineering Ethics. The Engineers’ Creed. Application via case studies and current events. Fall Term.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Capstone.

    Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing.

  • ES 450 Independent Study

    Course Credit: variable
    Instructor-approved independent study or research.

  • ES 460 Senior Design Project

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Detail design and realization of prototype or system. Oral, written, poster presentation. Winter Term.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Writing Intensive.

    Prerequisite(s): ES 360  with a B or higher.

  • ES 495 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credits vary. See course schedule.

Environmental Science and Studies

  • ENV 100 Explorations in Environmental Science

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Weekly seminar sequence with an emphasis on the fundamental aspects of environmental science and the human role in instigating and solving complex environmental problems. P/D/F only. Winter Term.

  • ENV 371 Internship

    Course Credit: variable
    Integration of classroom theory with planned and supervised periods of progressively challenging employment related to students’ career objectives. Possible off campus costs. P/D/F only.

    Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing, 2.0 cumulative and major GPA, and program coordinator approval.

  • ENV 460 Perspectives in Environmental Science

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Weekly seminar sequence examining the multi-disciplinary, investigative and applied aspects of environmental science. Provides a forum to scrutinize complex environmental problems and their possible solutions. P/D/F only.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Capstone.

    Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing.

Foreign Language

  • FL 104 Elementary Swahili/Twi/Chinese

    Course Credit: 1
    Beginning course. Basic vocabulary, grammatical structures. Emphasis on conversational competency.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Foreign Language.

    Corequisite(s): Participation in the Diers Program in Tanzania (Swahili), Ghana (Twi), or China.

  • FL 350 Topics in Comparative Culture

    Course Credit: 1
    Topic or related topics comparing cultural developments in two or more foreign countries, as reflected in literature (including historical and political essay), art, architecture, music, film, geography, values, customs, social structures, current events.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Interconnected: Humanities/Fine Arts. Diversity.

  • FL 470 Secondary Content Methods: Foreign Languages

    Course Credit: 1
    Designed to precede secondary student teaching with emphasis on introducing, developing, practicing discipline-specific pedagogy, reviewing general teaching methods. Fall Term.

    Prerequisite(s): ED 230 ; admission to Teacher Education Program.


  • FR 104 Elementary French I

    Course Credit: 1
    Instruction for developing proficiency in speaking, writing, reading, listening comprehension. Interaction and completion of communication tasks in a culturally sensitive immersion setting.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Foreign Language.


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