Sep 27, 2024  
2015-2016 Academic Catalog 
2015-2016 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions


Journalism and Communication

  • COM 355 Persuasion

    Course Credit: 1
    Exploration of persuasive theory. Practical application of persuasive strategies. Community/client based projects and presentations. Fall Term.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Interconnected: Social Science.

    Prerequisite(s): ART 108 , COM 200 , COM 211 , and third-year standing.

  • COM 371 Internship

    Course Credit: variable
    Integration of classroom theory with planned and supervised periods of progressively challenging employment related to students’ career objectives. Possible off campus costs. P/D/F only.

    Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing, 2.0 cumulative and major GPA, and department approval.

  • COM 372 Internship

    Course Credit: variable
    Integration of classroom theory with planned and supervised periods of progressively challenging employment related to students’ career objectives. Possible off campus costs. P/D/F only.

    Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing, 2.0 cumulative and major GPA, and department approval.

  • COM 375 Online Marketing

    Course Credit: 1
    Identical with BA 375 . Survey of trends affecting the online/interactive business environment. Study of Web design, launches, e-marketing plans, social media, mobile devices, online advertising, budgeting and sociological/psychological changes in consumers in electronic culture. Online marketing project. Winter Term.

    Prerequisite(s): Second-year major in accounting, business administration, communication arts, computer science, or economics or instructor approval.

  • COM 395 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credit vary. See course schedule.

  • COM 399 Supplemental Instruction: Journalism and Communication

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Teaching practicum in a specific area of study. Student SI leaders participate in leader training, attend classes for which they serve as leaders, prepare and lead study sessions that reinforce course content, model and teach effective study strategies. P/D/F only.

  • COM 420 Digital Production II

    Course Credit: 1
    Intensive production course provides an immersive digital short-film production experience. Expands on topics covered in COM 320  to refine skills in pre-production, digital cinematography, lighting, sound recording and editing. May Term.

    Essential Ed Requirement: COM 320 , EN 219 , or instructor approval.

  • COM 450 Independent Study

    Course Credit: variable
    Student-initiated selection, investigation, and report of a problem, advised and evaluated by instructor.

  • COM 461 Communication Arts Capstone

    Course Credit: 1
    Philosophical, sociological, ethical, legal dimensions of communication. Student synthesis of communication knowledge and experience. Career preparation guidance including résumés, portfolios, demonstration tapes. Seminar. Winter Term.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Writing Intensive. Capstone.

    Prerequisite(s): Fourth-year standing or instructor approval.

  • COM 481 Field Experience

    Course Credit: 1
    Practical experience in off-campus media. Possible off-campus costs. P/D/F only.

    Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing.

  • COM 495 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credit vary. See course schedule.

Computer Science

  • CS 100 Survey of Computer Applications

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Hands-on experience with word processing, spreadsheet, database, graphics, simulations, World Wide Web. Overview of computing from microcomputers to supercomputers, history of computing, networks, artificial intelligence, social issues.

    Prerequisite(s): MA 90  competency.

    Notes: Not applicable toward a computer science or computer information systems major.
  • CS 110 Introduction to Information Systems

    Course Credit: 1
    Introduction to hardware and data communication technology, software and data management, and business applications of the technology.

    Prerequisite(s): MA 90  competency.

  • CS 120 Introduction to Computers and Programming

    Course Credit: 1
    Foundation in structured and object-oriented programming methodology with a high level language. Special emphasis on decision and looping structures, subprograms and objects used in development of computer programs. Focus on algorithm development and a variety of applications provides basis for more advanced courses.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Mathematical Reasoning.

    Prerequisite(s): MA 90  competency.

  • CS 149 Computer Language Seminar

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Seminar class dealing with the syntax, semantics and application of a specific language.

    Prerequisite(s): CS 120 .

    Notes: May be retaken for credit with change of language. No more than two may count toward computer science or computer informtion systems major.
  • CS 195 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credits vary. See course schedule.

  • CS 210 COBOL with Business Applications

    Course Credit: 1
    Syntax of COBOL and development of algorithms in solving common business problems. Emphasis on program structure, modularity, unique characteristics of COBOL. Students write programs that deal with file manipulation processes, including multiple input and output files. Winter Term odd years.

    Prerequisite(s): CS 120 .

  • CS 220 Object-Oriented Programming and Introduction to Data Structures

    Course Credit: 1
    Constructs of a high level language, techniques and principles essential for constructing non-trivial computer programs. Classroom discussion and programming assignments introduce string processing, searching, sorting, recursion, data structures and abstraction with focus on object-oriented programming. Winter Term.

    Prerequisite(s): CS 120 .

  • CS 230 Organization of Programming Languages

    Course Credit: 1
    Programming languages of current and historical interest in light of design principles. Formal methods of language syntax and semantic specification in addition to functional, imperative, declarative, object-oriented language models. Emphasis on run-time behavior for sample programming languages. Fall Term odd years.

    Prerequisite(s): CS 220 .

  • CS 240 Assembly Language Programming

    Course Credit: 1
     Introduction to computer architecture through assembly language programming. Students program in an assembly language while learning fundamental concepts. Addressing techniques, macro processing, subroutine linkage, machine representation of data, machine execution cycles.

    Prerequisite(s): CS 120 .

  • CS 249 Computer Science Seminar

    Course Credit: 1
    Topics of student interest and current importance, usually on a three-year rotation. Upcoming offerings include: parallel processing, security and encryption, and data mining language translation.

    Prerequisite(s): Dependent on topic.

  • CS 250 Systems Analysis

    Course Credit: 1
    Development, management of information systems. Students practice concepts through a system-design case study. Fall Term odd years.

    Prerequisite(s): CS 120 .

  • CS 260 Introduction to Computer Graphics

    Course Credit: 1
    Basic principles, techniques of computer graphics. Development of graphics functions for use in application programs. Special emphasis on standard transformations for viewing both two- and three-dimensional graphics. May Term even years.

    Prerequisite(s): CS 120  , CS 220 .

  • CS 270 Software Engineering

    Course Credit: 1
    Examination of tools and techniques used in construction and maintenance of complex software systems. Object-oriented analysis, design, implementation. Managing software development teams, formal methods, testing techniques, documentation, process management. Fall Term even years.

    Prerequisite(s): CS 220 .

  • CS 280 Internet Programming

    Course Credit: 1
    Introduction to the software technologies that comprise the Internet with an emphasis on underlying principles, protocols, and architectures. Hands-on programming projects using client-side and server-side techniques to support distributed, dynamic Internet applications. May Term odd years.

    Prerequisite(s): CS 120 .

  • CS 281 Field Experience

    Course Credit: variable
    Supervised exploratory experience outside the classroom. Application of academic learning to practical experience. P/D/F only.

    Prerequisite(s): Second-year standing, 2.5 cumulative GPA.

    Notes: Not applicable toward major.
  • CS 295 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credits vary. See course schedule.

  • CS 310 Automata and Formal Languages

    Course Credit: 1
    Abstract models of computation, including finite state automata, pushdown automata, Turing machines and their relationship to formal languages and grammars. Introduction to computational complexity and NP-complete problems.

    Prerequisite(s): CS 220 .

  • CS 320 Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis

    Course Credit: 1
    Introduction to intermediate data structures and deepening understanding of elementary data structures introduced in CS 220 . Graph representations, balanced trees, multi-lists, hash tables, files. Relationship between data structures and run-time and space efficiency. Winter Term even years.

    Prerequisite(s): CS 220 .

  • CS 330 Computer and Data Networks

    Course Credit: 1
    Focus on layered architectures with OSI and TCP/IP models providing the primary examples. Includes LAN and WAN architectures. Investigation of various packages within the TCP/IP protocol suite. Every third year.

    Prerequisite(s): CS 120 .

  • CS 340 Computer Organization

    Course Credit: 1
    Examination of computer organization and architecture to learn how computer hardware works at digital logic, micro-programming, assembly, and programming language levels. Design goals and implementation strategies for I/O handling, memory units, processors. Micro, mini, mainframe, supercomputer case studies. Winter Term odd years.

    Prerequisite(s): CS 220 .

  • CS 350 Information Resource Management

    Course Credit: 1
    Database management systems and administration, illustrated by a major application using one particular database. Information system operation, maintenance, control, security. Impact of computers in manufacturing processes, business offices, business management, artificial intelligence. Fall Term even years.

    Prerequisite(s): CS 120 .

  • CS 355 Data Mining

    Course Credit: 1
    Introduction to data mining techniques, algorithms and issues. Topics include data preparation and feature selection, association rules, classification, clustering and evaluation of results.

    Prerequisite(s): CS 120 .

  • CS 360 Operating Systems

    Course Credit: 1
    Study of assumptions and goals underlying operating system design. Multi- programming and related issues of memory, process, CPU management. Student projects involve systems programming. Fall Term odd years.

    Prerequisite(s): CS 220 .

  • CS 365 Scientific Computing

    Course Credit: 1
    Explores physical and mathematical models for a variety of scientific applications using high performance computing and visualization techniques.

    Essential Ed Requirement: CS 120 .

  • CS 371 Internship

    Course Credit: variable
    Integration of classroom theory with planned and supervised periods of progressively challenging employment related to students’ career objectives. Possible off-campus costs. P/D/F only.

    Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing; two computer science course credits; two mathematics course credits; 2.5 grade point average, cumulative and in major; department approval.

    Notes: Course credit to be applied toward major requires department approval.
  • CS 372 Internship

    Course Credit: variable
    Integration of classroom theory with planned and supervised periods of progressively challenging employment related to students’ career objectives. Possible off-campus costs. P/D/F only.

    Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing; two computer science course credits; two mathematics course credits; 2.5 grade point average, cumulative and in major; department approval.

    Notes: Course credit to be applied toward major requires department approval.
  • CS 373 Artificial Intelligence

    Course Credit: 1
    Introduction to the construction of intelligent software agents. Coverage of fundamental topics in traditional AI research such as: problem solving and search, game playing, knowledge representation, logic and inference, planning, probabilistic reasoning, learning, and language processing. Every third year.

    Prerequisite(s): CS 220 .

  • CS 395 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credits vary. See course schedule.

  • CS 399 Supplemental Instruction: Computer Science

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Teaching practicum in a specific area of study. Student SI leaders participate in leader training, attend classes for which they serve as leaders, prepare and lead study sessions that reinforce course content, model and teach effective study strategies. P/D/F only.

  • CS 450 Independent Study

    Course Credit: variable
    Individual study on a student-selected topic with approval of supervising instructor.

  • CS 460 Systems Design Project

    Course Credit: 1
    Integration of computer science information in a student-selected design project. Experience in designing, implementing, and testing a project. P/D/F only.

    Prerequisite(s): CS 220 , fourth-year standing, or final Winter Term on campus.

  • CS 461 Perspectives in Computer Science

    Course Credit: 1
    Student readings, discussion, papers, presentations on the history and philosophy of computer science and current ethical and social issues involving computers and society.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Writing Intensive. Capstone.

    Prerequisite(s): Fourth-year computer information systems or computer science major.

  • CS 495 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credits vary. See course schedule.


  • EC 117 Principles of Macroeconomics

    Course Credit: 1
    Theory of economic analysis, supply/demand, social provisioning with applications to trade, poverty, labor, taxes, natural environment. Macroeconomic data- GDP, inflation, unemployment, exchange rates. Understanding business cycles and fiscal/monetary policy responses. Long-run economic growth.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Interconnected: Social Science.

    Prerequisite(s): MA 90  competency.

  • EC 118 Principles of Microeconomics

    Course Credit: 1
    Continuation of EC 117 . Elasticity of supply/demand, consumer behavior, analysis of firm production/costs. Behavior of firms in different market environments. Regulation and deregulation. Applications to business planning, strategy, competitive advantage, and international contexts.

    Prerequisite(s): EC 117 .

  • EC 195 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credit vary. See course schedule.

  • EC 243 The Federal Reserve System

    Course Credit: 1
    Guiding principles, strategies, tactics of the Federal Reserve System’s monetary policy within political, historical, theoretical contexts. Includes trip to a regional Federal Reserve bank.

    Prerequisite(s): EC 117  or EC 118 .

  • EC 281 Field Experience

    Course Credit: variable
    Supervised exploratory experience outside the classroom. Application of academic learning to practical experience. Possible off-campus costs. P/D/F only.

    Prerequisite(s): Instructor approval.

  • EC 295 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credit vary. See course schedule.

  • EC 317 Modeling and Forecasting the Macroeconomy

    Course Credit: 1
    Quantitative modeling of the economy’s business cycles and long run trends. Analysis of the relationship between theory, historical events and the formulation of macroeconomic policy.

    Prerequisite(s): EC 117 , EC 118 .

  • EC 318 Microeconomic Theory

    Course Credit: 1
    Theories of consumer behavior, cost, market structure, distribution, welfare. Development and application of elementary mathematical methods of analysis. Winter Term even years.

    Prerequisite(s): EC 117 , EC 118 .

  • EC 342 Financial Markets and Modern Money

    Course Credit: 1
    Analysis of stock, bond, and derivative markets and their relationship to the economy as well as to modern banking and monetary/fiscal policy-making institutions.

    Prerequisite(s): EC 117 , EC 118 ; MA 214  or MA 313 .

  • EC 343 Public Finance and Fiscal Policy

    Course Credit: 1
    Identical with PS 343 . Government revenue and expenditures at federal, state, local levels. Evaluation of economic effects of fiscal policy in stabilizing economic activity.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Writing Intensive.

    Prerequisite(s): EC 117 , EC 118  recommended.

  • EC 345 Regional Economics

    Course Credit: 1
    Survey of migration, location of industry, transportation, regional growth as affecting location decisions of economic units and resultant impact on regional economics. Some field study. Possible fee.

    Prerequisite(s): EC 117 , EC 118 .

  • EC 348 Development Economics

    Course Credit: 1
    Introduces students to theories and policies in development economics. Applies macroeconomics approaches to review the theories of growth and coordination failures, aid, FDI and globalization. Applies microeconomics approaches to review education, health, credit market, poverty, inequalities and political institutions and governance. Winter Term odd years.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Diversity.

    Prerequisite(s): EC 117 , EC 118 .

  • EC 355 International Trade and Finance

    Course Credit: 1
    Introduction to the theory of international trade, financial adjustment of countries’ balances of payment, currency exchange rate systems. Contemporary problems in international economic policy.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Diversity.

    Prerequisite(s): EC 117 , EC 118 .

  • EC 364 Bank Management

    Course Credit: 1
    Identical with BA 364 . Overview of banking industry management, including role of banks in society, asset-liability management techniques, services provided to customers. Includes trip. Fee. May Term even years.

    Prerequisite(s): Two courses from BA 334 , BA 480 , BA 481 , EC 317 , EC 342 .

  • EC 371 Internship

    Course Credit: variable
    Planned and supervised periods of progressively challenging employment related to students’ career objectives. Outside readings, logs, reflective paper required. Possible off-campus costs. P/D/F only.

    Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing, 2.0 cumulative and major GPA, and department approval.

  • EC 372 Internship

    Course Credit: variable
    Planned and supervised periods of progressively challenging employment related to students’ career objectives. Outside readings, logs, reflective paper required. Possible off-campus costs. P/D/F only.

    Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing, 2.0 cumulative and major GPA, and department approval.

  • EC 395 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credit vary. See course schedule.

  • EC 399 Supplemental Instruction: Economics

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Teaching practicum in a specific area of study. Student SI leaders participate in leader training, attend classes for which they serve as leaders, prepare and lead study sessions that reinforce course content, model and teach effective study strategies. P/D/F only.

  • EC 401 Econometrics

    Course Credit: 1
    Introduces the basic knowledge of econometrics, which is the science (and art) of confronting economic models with data for the purposes of testing the models, predicting future events or generating policy advice. Multidisciplinary course that combines mathematics, statistics and economics, which involves a multivariate analysis. Includes topics in sectional-, panel- and time series-data analysis. Fall Term odd years.

    Prerequisite(s): EC 117 , EC 118 ; MA 214  or MA 313 ; MA 250  or MA 252 ; third- or fourth-year standing.

  • EC 418 Sustainable Economics and Finance

    Course Credit: 1
    Identical with BA 418 . Tools/analysis for both environmental/ecological economics and emerging field of finance for environmental impact. Topics include conservation finance, financing sustainable community food systems, cleantech finance, ecosystem services valuation, carbon tax, cap/trade, externalities, and other current issues. Winter Term even years.

    Prerequisite(s): EC 117 .

  • EC 450 Independent Study

    Course Credit: variable
    Supervised study on special project or research.

    Prerequisite(s): Approval of faculty sponsor.

  • EC 461 Senior Thesis I

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Integrative course to engage students in researchable economic problem formulation. Identification of relevant literature on the problem and collection of relevant qualitative and quantitative data for research projects. Fall Term odd years.

    Prerequisite(s): EC 117 , EC 118 , EC 401 ; third-or fourth-year standing.

  • EC 462 Senior Thesis II

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Continuation of EC 461 . Analyze data collected in EC 461 , discuss the results of analysis and provide conclusion as well as policy recommendations consistent with findings. Winter Term even years.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Writing Intensive. Capstone.

    Prerequisite(s): EC 117 , EC 118 , EC 401 ; third-or fourth-year standing.

  • EC 495 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credit vary. See course schedule.


  • ED 100 Foundations of American Education

    Course Credit: 1
    Historical, philosophical, legal, ethical, social foundations of American education. Current issues and methods.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Interconnected: Social Science.

    Corequisite(s): ED 181 .

  • ED 151 North American Geography

    Course Credit: 1
    Study of the physical, economic, human geography in North America. Emphasis is placed on the connection of geography to the other social sciences, especially as it relates to the preparation of pre-service teachers. Fall Term even years.

  • ED 152 World Geography

    Course Credit: 1
    Study of the physical, economic, human geography in various regions of the world. Emphasis is placed on the connection of geography to the other social sciences, especially as it relates to the preparation of pre-service teachers. Fall Term odd years.

  • ED 181 Field Experience: Foundations of American Education

    Course Credit: 0
    Practicum for ED 100 . Twenty-five hours in a field experience setting in PK-12 schools. P/D/F only.

    Corequisite(s): ED 100 .

  • ED 195 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credit vary. See course schedule.

  • ED 210 Children’s Literature

    Course Credit: 1
    Exploration and concentrated study of prose and poetry, fiction and non-fiction on the elementary school level. Criteria for evaluating children’s literature.

  • ED 211 Psychology of the Exceptional Child

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Overview of exceptional children, including special education, at-risk, and talented/gifted students. Introductory course exploring identification, developmental processes, potential of individuals, educational procedures, and assistive technology. Field experience. Fall and Winter Terms.

  • ED 212 Human Relations

    Course Credit: 1
    Subgroups in our society. Biases such as sexism, racism, prejudice; discrimination in interpersonal relations and instructional materials. Translation of knowledge into attitudes of respect for human diversity and rights of individuals. Skills to relate effectively to individuals and subgroups and methods of teaching such skills to pupils. All terms.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Diversity.

    Prerequisite(s): New York (May Term) section requires instructor approval.

  • ED 213 Christian Day School

    Course Credit: 1
    History and purposes of Lutheran schools. Relationships with home, church, community. Curricula and personnel. Reviews of recent research. Future of non-public education in America. Practicum. Open to teachers and preseminarians.

  • ED 214 Introduction to Mild and Moderate Disabilities

    Course Credit: 1
    Etiologies and characteristics of mild and moderate disabilities, trends in programming, alternatives, services, instructional support. Fall Term.

    Prerequisite(s): ED 100 , ED 181 . Corequisite(s): ED 284 .

  • ED 221 Teaching Elementary Social Studies

    Course Credit: 1
    Content, strategies, instructional techniques for teaching social studies curriculum in elementary schools. Winter Term.

    Prerequisite(s): PSY 101 HI 109 HI 110 , or HI 150 . HI 150  preferred.

  • ED 223 Language Development

    Course Credit: 1
    Developmental process of language acquisition, including linguistic analysis of the major phonological, semantic, syntactic, pragmatic components of American English. Emphasis on language variations related to cultural and linguistic diversity, the unique needs and backgrounds of students with language differences and delays, the learning of Standard English by all learners. Fall Term.

  • ED 224 Teaching Physical Education, Health and Fitness in the Elementary School

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Methods and instructional strategies to include physical education, fitness and health in the elementary curriculum. Promote healthy lifestyle choices for young students. Winter Term.

    Prerequisite(s): ED 100 , ED 181 .

  • ED 225 Teaching Art and Music in the Elementary School

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Prepares elementary school teacher to integrate meaningful art and music experiences in the classroom. Fall Term.

    Prerequisite(s): ED 100 ED 181 .

  • ED 230 Teaching in the Secondary School

    Course Credit: 1
    Planning, technology integration and differentiated collaborative teaching strategies in 5-12 classrooms.

    Prerequisite(s): ED 100 , ED 181 . Corequisite(s): ED 282 .

  • ED 282 Field Experience in the Secondary School

    Course Credit: 0
    Thirty hours in a secondary classroom. Observation, interaction with students, limited teaching. P/D/F only.

    Prerequisite(s): ED 100 , ED 181 . Corequisite(s): ED 230 .

  • ED 284 Field Experience: Mild and Moderate Disabilities

    Course Credit: 0
    Twenty-five hours in a classroom working with students with mild and moderate disabilities. P/D/F only. Fall Term.

    Prerequisite(s): ED 100 , ED 181 . Corequisite(s): ED 214 .

  • ED 295 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credit vary. See course schedule.

  • ED 314 Methods and Strategies in Special Education

    Course Credit: 1
    Models, materials for curricular and instructional methods with mildly and moderately disabled. Remedial methods, techniques, assistive technology. Math and reading. Fall Term even years.

    Prerequisite(s): ED 214  and ED 284 .

  • ED 315 Educational Psychology

    Course Credit: 1
    Student development, learning, management, motivation, instruction, assessment. Application of learning principles to education and other areas.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Writing Intensive.

    Prerequisite(s): Third-year standing, admission to Teacher Education Program. Corequisite(s): ED 383 .

  • ED 320 Teaching Language Arts

    Course Credit: 1
    Preparation of elementary students for contemporary literacy demands in the English language arts—reading, writing, listening, speaking, viewing, visually representing. Winter Term.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Writing Intensive.

    Prerequisite(s): Third-year standing, admission to Teacher Education Program.

  • ED 321 Reading in the Elementary School

    Course Credit: 1
    Development and application of skills and strategies to assist elementary students in reading, comprehending, interpreting, evaluating, and appreciating texts. Fall Term.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Writing Intensive.

    Prerequisite(s): Third-year standing, passing PPST® scores, admission to Teacher Education Program. Corequisite(s): ED 385 .

  • ED 323 Diagnostic Reading

    Course Credit: 1
    Skills and strategies to assess reading problems through formal and informal diagnosis. Winter Term.

    Prerequisite(s): ED 321 . Corequisite(s): ED 324 .

  • ED 324 Remedial Reading

    Course Credit: 1
    Procedures to enhance reading strengths, correct reading weaknesses. Winter Term.

    Prerequisite(s): ED 321 . Corequisite(s): ED 323 , ED 382 .

  • ED 334 Managing Behavior and Skills in Special Education

    Course Credit: 1
    Behavioral management theories, skills, strategies, techniques, instructional programs. Winter Term even years.

    Prerequisite(s): ED 214  and ED 284 .

  • ED 341 Teaching the Christian Faith

    Course Credit: 1
    Methods, materials for teaching the Christian faith. Experience in actual teaching situations, structuring lessons. For teachers and preseminarians.

    Prerequisite(s): Prerequisite for elementary education majors: Admission to Teacher Education Program.

  • ED 344 Assessment Practices in Special Education

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Legal guidelines, psychometric and instructional measures. Individualized program development and management. Winter Term odd years.

    Prerequisite(s): ED 214  and ED 284 .

  • ED 350 Content Area Reading Strategies

    Course Credit: 1
    Reading strategies in the content areas for elementary and secondary teaching candidates. Special emphasis on accessing, evaluating and using both print and electronic resources meaningfully.

    Prerequisite(s): Third-year standing, admission to Teacher Education Program.

    Notes: Must be completed before student teaching.
  • ED 354 Organization of Early Childhood Programs

    Course Credit: 1
    Current issues, trends in early childhood education. Focus on planning, implementing, administering, evaluating developmentally appropriate programs for young children. Fall Term even years.

    Prerequisite(s): PSY 210  and third-year standing.

  • ED 355 Early Childhood: Family and Community Relations

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Exploration of effective partnerships with families and community resources. Examines the role of families, communities, businesses, and agencies in enriching, expanding, and organizing programs of early childhood care and education. May Term even years.

    Prerequisite(s): ED 354  or ED 356 . Corequisite(s): ED 481 .

  • ED 356 Curriculum Development and Guidance of Young Children

    Course Credit: 1
    Guidance, curriculum, methodology, programs that facilitate learning and development of young children. Selecting, planning, creating, implementing, evaluating developmentally appropriate content, methods, materials. Fall Term odd years.

    Prerequisite(s): ED 223 ; PSY 210 ; third-year standing.

  • ED 360 Middle Level Socialization Development

    Course Credit: 1
    Instructional strategies, resources for meeting social/psychological/personal needs of preadolescents and adolescents in the middle school classroom. Fall Term odd years.

    Prerequisite(s): ED 100 .


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