Sep 27, 2024  
2015-2016 Academic Catalog 
2015-2016 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions



  • RE 313 Image of God in Bible and Culture

    Course Credit: 1
    Metaphorical depictions of God in the Bible and Western culture, implications for humans as created in the image of God. Psychological, social, ethical consequences of various images of God through history and in contemporary society.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Faith and Reflection.

  • RE 315 History of Christianity I

    Course Credit: 1
    Formation of the early Christian church, early church controversies, medieval scholasticism, Reformation, post-Reformation developments. Fall Term.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Writing Intensive. Faith and Reflection.

    Prerequisite(s): RE 101 .

  • RE 316 History of Christianity II

    Course Credit: 1
    Christianity from the Enlightenment to the present. Impact of rationalism, romanticism, existentialism, other modern movements on Christian thought. Special attention to issues of faith and reason.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Writing Intensive. Faith and Reflection.

  • RE 324 Religious Traditions of Immigrant Communities

    Course Credit: 1
    Exploration of how and why various Christian and non-Christian religious communities made their way to the Denver area, examination of their history and beliefs, how they have fared since their arrival, what impact they have had on the wider community.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Writing Intensive. Faith and Reflection. Diversity.

    Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into Wartburg West program.

  • RE 325 Christian Faith and Politics in America

    Course Credit: 1
    Explores the role of religion, specifically Christian, in American politics from social, historical, legal, biblical perspectives. Active engagement in political issues and processes arising in the context of Colorado.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Writing Intensive. Faith and Reflection.

    Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into Wartburg West Program.

  • RE 330 Christian Vocation

    Course Credit: 1
    Critical study of Christian vocation, including development of theological ideas, places of responsibility, modern challenges.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Faith and Reflection.

    Prerequisite(s): RE 101 .

  • RE 340 Islam and the Modern World

    Course Credit: 1
    A focus on the tenets, history and traditions of Islam with special attention to the challenges Islam faces in the modern world.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Faith and Reflection. Diversity.

  • RE 341 Buddhist Traditions

    Course Credit: 1
    Identical with PH 341 . Buddhist thought and practices as represented in the original teaching of the Buddha and the textual, philosophical, socio-ethical and liturgical tradition of Buddhism.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Faith and Reflection. Diversity.

  • RE 342 Religions of China

    Course Credit: 1
    A study of the religions of China including Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, folk religions, Chinese Christianity and new religious movements.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Faith and Reflection. Diversity.

  • RE 343 Religions of Japan

    Course Credit: 1
    Introduction to religions of Japan (Shinto, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism) as well as an overview of Japanese folk religions, Japanese Christianity and new religious movements.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Faith and Reflection. Diversity.

  • RE 350 Christian Ethics

    Course Credit: 1
    Critical engagement with the Christian ethical tradition. Analysis of personal character, decision making, social issues. Some attention to other ethical systems. Includes service learning and reflection.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Faith and Reflection.

    Prerequisite(s): RE 101 .

  • RE 355 Ethics in Economic Life

    Course Credit: 1
    A survey of moral theories and issues in contemporary economic life. Special attention to the intersection of religion and business ethics.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Faith and Reflection.

    Prerequisite(s): RE 101 .

  • RE 360 Readings In …

    Course Credit: 0.5
    In-depth reading and reflection on a significant author, topic, or theme. May repeat for credit.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Must be taken twice to meet Faith and Reflection requirement.

    Notes: May repeat for credit.
  • RE 370 Introduction to the Parish

    Course Credit: 1
    Skills required for work in the contemporary parish setting: teaching, organizing, leading, counseling, calling. Reading, research, experience in a local parish setting. P/D/F only. Alternate years.

    Prerequisite(s): RE 101 ; second-year standing.

  • RE 371 Internship

    Course Credit: variable
    Integration of academic work with ministry of a parish or church institution. Observation, readings, participation. Supervision by department and parish or institution. One course credit applicable toward religion major. Possible off-campus costs. P/D/F only.

    Prerequisite(s): RE 101 ; RE 370  or RE 375  (may be taken concurrently); third- or fourth-year student committed to church vocation; 2.5 cumulative GPA; and department approval.

  • RE 372 Internship

    Course Credit: variable
    Integration of academic work with ministry of a parish or church institution. Observation, readings, participation. Supervision by department and parish or institution. One course credit applicable toward religion major. RE 372 will normally be taken in a different internship site than RE 371 . For camping ministry students, RE 372 will normally be taken with a different camping ministry organization. Possible off-campus costs. P/D/F only.

    Prerequisite(s): RE 371 ; third- or fourth-year student committed to church vocation; 2.5 cumulative GPA and department approval.

  • RE 373 Religion Across Cultures

    Course Credit: 1
    Comparison of key aspects of student’s own religion within the context of another culture.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Faith and Reflection. Diversity.

    Corequisite(s): Enrollment in full-term cultural immersion program and department approval.

  • RE 375 Youth and Family Ministry

    Course Credit: 1
    Meaning and theology of ministry and vocation as it relates to youth and family ministry in the church. Exploration and observation of various styles, gifts, approaches to youth and family ministry. P/D/F only. May Term odd years.

    Prerequisite(s): RE 101 .

  • RE 381 Camping Ministry: Theology and Praxis

    Course Credit: 1
    Biblical, theological, practical issues of camping ministry. Classroom instruction and camping ministry training at an outdoor ministry site related to the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May Term every third year.

    Prerequisite(s): RE 101 .

  • RE 395 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credit vary. See course schedule.

  • RE 399 Supplemental Instruction: Religion

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Teaching practicum in a specific area of study. Student SI leaders participate in leader training, attend classes for which they serve as leaders, prepare and lead study sessions that reinforce course content, model and teach effective study strategies. P/D/F only.

  • RE 415 The Lutheran Confessions

    Course Credit: 1
    Lutheran Confessional documents of the 16th century in their historical and theological setting and in light of the Lutheran Church’s present-day commitment to them. Fulfills an ELCA requirement for certification as an Associate in Ministry.

    Prerequisite(s): RE 304  or instructor approval.

  • RE 450 Independent Study

    Course Credit: variable
    Additional study in consultation with instructor in areas of interest or need.

  • RE 460 Church in the Modern World

    Course Credit: 1
    Synthesis of biblical studies, history, theology, ethics for study of the church and its role in the (post) modern world.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Writing Intensive. Capstone for all religion majors.

    Prerequisite(s): RE 315  and third- or fourth-year standing.

  • RE 495 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credit vary. See course schedule.

Scholars Program

  • SCH 101 First-Year Scholars Seminar

    Course Credit: 1
    Springboard to liberal arts with special emphasis on the interdisciplinary nature of the liberal arts. Topics will vary. Enrollment limited to students admitted to the Wartburg Scholars Program. Fall Term.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Fulfills IS 101  requirement.

  • SCH 110 Scholars Travel Seminar

    Course Credit: 0.25
    Experiential learning travel seminar based on comparative cultural studies of topics studied in Scholars courses.

    Prerequisite(s): SCH 101 .

  • SCH 115 Opportunities Seminar

    Course Credit: 0.25
    Explores opportunities at Wartburg College and beyond while students reflect upon and apply their goals to the pursuit of nationally competitive fellowships and scholarships. P/D/F only. Winter Term.

    Prerequisite(s): IS 101  or SCH 101  with a B or higher.

    Notes: Open to students in their first year of study.
  • SCH 195 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credit vary. See course schedule.

  • SCH 202 Living in a Diverse World (Honors)

    Course Credit: 1
    Expansion of critical inquiry and communication abilities as students recognize the challenges and opportunities of living in a diverse world and connect this widened world view to liberal learning.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Fulfills IS 201  requirement.

    Prerequisite(s): Second-year standing; IS 101  or SCH 101  with a B or higher.

  • SCH 401 Senior Scholars Seminar

    Course Credit: 0.25
    Continues the development of students’ critical inquiry and communication skills as they reflect upon the American experience. P/D/F only. Fall Term.

    Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing; IS 201  or SCH 202  with a B or higher.

  • SCH 456 Scholars Academic Honors Project

    Course Credit: 0.25
    Conduct honors research projects. Major report and public defense required. Enrollment limited to students admitted to the Wartburg Scholars Program.

  • SCH 495 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credit vary. See course schedule.

General Science

  • SCI 151 Abuse in Science

    Course Credit: 1
    Science process, abuse within science, abuse of science by pseudoscience. Laboratory work required. Fee.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Scientific Reasoning. Writing Intensive.

  • SCI 152 Episodes in the History of Science

    Course Credit: 1
    The scientific process through its historical evolution. Emphasis on pivotal episodes and ideas. Importance of conceptual modeling in the absence of crucial evidence. Lecture, discussion, laboratory experiences. Fee.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Scientific Reasoning.

  • SCI 385 Elementary Science Methods

    Course Credit: 1
    Methods of teaching biological, physical, chemical and space concepts commonly encountered in the elementary school. Constructivist approach working towards the Next Generation Science Standards through a teaching portfolio. Field experience. Fall Term.

    Prerequisite(s): BI 101 , BI 117 , BI 130 , BI 131 , BI 132 , BI 133 , or BI 151 ; CH 113 PHY 101 , PHY 130 , PHY 132 , PHY 170 , or PHY 203 .

    Notes: Required for elementary education majors.


  • SO 101 Introduction to Sociology

    Course Credit: 1
    Survey of the diverse field of sociology, introducing concepts, methods, principles that help in understanding such social processes and institutions as culture and socialization, group dynamics, social inequality, families, educational systems, social change.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Interconnected: Social Science.

  • SO 195 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credit vary. See course schedule.

  • SO 225 Race, Class and Gender

    Course Credit: 1
    Examination of sociological perspectives on race and ethnicity, gender and class in the United States from historical and contemporary perspectives. Focus on differences in wealth, power and status. Fall Term even years.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Diversity.

    Prerequisite(s): SO 101 .

  • SO 240 Social Psychology

    Course Credit: 1
    Identical with PSY 240 . Examination of the interplay between sociology and psychology to understand the behavior of individuals and groups. Theory, research, applications that relate to social phenomena, such as attitude formation and change, conformity and obedience, aggression, prosocial behavior, interpersonal attraction, socialization.

    Prerequisite(s): PSY 101  or SO 101 .

  • SO 270 Social Problems

    Course Credit: 1
    Social problems in economic, government, education, and family institutions as well as inequality, conformity and deviance, the environment, the changing world. Emphasis on alternate social policy approaches to these problems. Fall Term odd years.

    Prerequisite(s): SO 101 .

  • SO 295 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credit vary. See course schedule.

  • SO 302 Communities

    Course Credit: 1
    Societal, environmental factors influencing community growth, decline. Power structures; rural, urban differences; community influence on human well-being. Winter Term even years.

    Prerequisite(s): SO 101 .

  • SO 315 Sociological Theory

    Course Credit: 1
    A focus on the nature and development of sociological theory. Attention is given to the major varieties of theory, the theorists who developed them, and the social and historical contexts of theory development and construction. Fall Term odd years.

    Prerequisite(s): SO 101 .

  • SO 316 Sociology of the Family

    Course Credit: 1
    The family as a social institution. Social changes, cultural differences, personality and role development, structure, function, conflict. Winter Term even years.

    Prerequisite(s): SO 101 .

  • SO 321 Research Methods and Data Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences

    Course Credit: 1
    Identical with PS 321  and PSY 321 . Assumptions, principles, methods of scientific inquiry. Descriptive and experimental research techniques, hypothesis formulation, research design. Behavioral science statistics integrated with research design, methodology, data analysis, interpretation. Fall Term.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Writing Intensive.

  • SO 350 Environmental Sociology

    Course Credit: 1
    A focus on concerns and principles of sociology through the study of human interaction with the natural environment. Consideration for resource depletion, population growth, food production, environmental regulation and sustainability in local and global perspectives. Winter Term odd years.

    Prerequisite(s): SO 101 .

  • SO 380 Women in Cross-Cultural Perspective

    Course Credit: 1
    Identical with WS 380 . Examination and analysis of women’s social, economic, political situations throughout the globe. Use of anthropological and sociological analytic techniques and literature from the cultures to understand women’s work, family roles, linkages among race, sex, and class, and the introduction of social change across cultures. Winter Term odd years.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Diversity.

    Prerequisite(s): SO 101 .

  • SO 385 Global Communities

    Course Credit: 1
    Examination of communities of place and interest in an international context. Two to three weeks of travel to locations outside the United States. Opportunities for interaction with community representatives and service in agencies. May Term odd years.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Diversity.

    Prerequisite(s): SO 101 .

  • SO 395 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credit vary. See course schedule.

  • SO 399 Supplemental Instruction: Sociology

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Teaching practicum in a specific area of study. Student SI leaders participate in leader training, attend classes for which they serve as leaders, prepare and lead study sessions that reinforce course content, model and teach effective study strategies. P/D/F only.

  • SO 421 Advanced Research Methods and Data Analysis

    Course Credit: 1
    Identical with PS 421  and PSY 421 . In-depth review and evaluation of principles of research design, conduct, data analysis. Research investigation designed, executed, reported by student in consultation with instructor. Topic chosen by student. Winter Term.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Writing Intensive.

    Prerequisite(s): SO 321 .

  • SO 422 Qualitative Research Methods

    Course Credit: 1
    In-depth examination and review of qualitative research design, data collection and analysis. Instructor supervised application of qualitative methods to original student research. Winter Term.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Writing Intensive.

    Prerequisite(s): SO 101 .

  • SO 450 Independent Study

    Course Credit: variable
    Additional study in areas of interest under guidance of instructor.

    Prerequisite(s): Department approval.

  • SO 460 Perspectives in Sociology

    Course Credit: 1
    Historical, conceptual, and professional influences that shape sociology. A focus on classical and contemporary perspectives, ethical standards, and relationship to other disciplines and society. Seminar with communication skills emphasis. Fall Term even years.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Capstone.

    Prerequisite(s): SO 101  and two SO course credits.

  • SO 481 Field Experience in Community Sociology

    Course Credit: variable
    Supervised experience in preparation for a career in a community context. Incorporation of sociological concepts in an applied setting. P/D/F only.

    Prerequisite(s): SO 101 .

  • SO 495 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credit vary. See course schedule.


  • SP 104 Elementary Spanish I

    Course Credit: 1
    Instruction toward proficiency in speaking, writing, reading, aural comprehension. Study of culture with attention to contemporary issues. Emphasis on student interaction, completion of language tasks in an immersion setting.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Foreign Language.

  • SP 106 Elementary Spanish II

    Course Credit: 1
    Instruction toward proficiency in speaking, writing, reading, aural comprehension. Study of culture with attention to contemporary issues. Emphasis on student interaction, completion of language tasks in an immersion setting.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Foreign Language.

    Prerequisite(s): SP 104 .

  • SP 181 Field Experience

    Course Credit: 1
    Supervised exploratory experience outside the classroom. Development of Spanish language skills in practical situation. P/D/F only.

    Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into Wartburg West program and instructor approval.

  • SP 195 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credit vary. See course schedule.

  • SP 204 Intermediate Spanish I

    Course Credit: 1
    Continued instruction toward proficiency in speaking, writing, reading, aural comprehension. Deepening study of culture with attention to contemporary issues. Emphasis on student interaction, completion of language tasks in an immersion setting. Fall Term.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Foreign Language.

    Prerequisite(s): SP 106 .

  • SP 206 Intermediate Spanish II

    Course Credit: 1
    Continued instruction toward proficiency in speaking, writing, reading, aural comprehension. Deepening study of culture with attention to contemporary issues. Emphasis on student interaction, completion of language tasks in an immersion setting. Winter Term.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Foreign Language.

    Prerequisite(s): SP 204 .

  • SP 260 Hispanic Culture I

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Multidisciplinary study of Costa Rica on artistic, archeological, cultural sites. Taken simultaneously with SP 261 . P/D/F only. Fee.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Foreign Language. Diversity.

    Prerequisite(s): SP 206  or instructor approval. Corequisite(s): SP 261 .

  • SP 261 May Term Abroad—Intensive Conversation I

    Course Credit: 1
    Development of linguistic skills under native teachers in a Spanish-speaking country. Four-week program taken simultaneously with SP 260 . Fee.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Foreign Language.

    Prerequisite(s): SP 206  or instructor approval.

  • SP 265 Term Abroad—Hispanic Culture II

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Continuation of SP 260  during a second four-week term. P/D/F only. Fee.

    Prerequisite(s): SP 206  or instructor approval. Corequisite(s): SP 266 .

  • SP 266 Term Abroad—Intensive Conversation II

    Course Credit: 1
    Further development of linguistic skills under native teachers in a Spanish-speaking country. Second four-week course. Taken simultaneously with SP 265 . Fee.

    Prerequisite(s): SP 261 . Corequisite(s): SP 265 .

  • SP 295 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credit vary. See course schedule.

  • SP 304 Spanish Tutoring

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Under faculty supervision, students develop language skills by tutoring groups of Spanish students at beginning or intermediate level. P/D/F only.

    Prerequisite(s): SP 260 , SP 261 , or equivalent; department approval.

  • SP 311 Cultural History of Spain

    Course Credit: 1
    Survey of major cultural developments shaping Spain from the Celtiberians to the present. Readings in fiction and non-fiction, viewing of videotapes, slides.

    Prerequisite(s): SP 261 .

    Notes: Conducted in Spanish.
  • SP 312 Cultural History of Latin America

    Course Credit: 1
    Survey of major cultural developments shaping Latin America from pre-Colombian Indian civilizations to the present. Readings in fiction and non-fiction, viewing of videotapes.

    Prerequisite(s): SP 261 .

    Notes: Conducted in Spanish.
  • SP 315 Latinos in the United States

    Course Credit: 1

    Explores themes of U.S. Latino culture, including language, identity, race, gender and family. Special emphasis given to how historical approaches inform the current sociopolitical discourse about the increasing importance of Latinos in U.S. society.

    Prerequisite(s): SP 261  or instructor approval.

  • SP 316 Hispanic Women

    Course Credit: 1
    Studies the work of Hispanic women in the Hispanic world. Focuses on women’s contributions in the fields of art, politics, literature, film. Emphasis on student involvement in class and individual projects. Winter Term odd years.

    Prerequisite(s): SP 261  or instructor approval.

  • SP 317 Cinemas of Latin America

    Course Credit: 1
    Explores key issues in the Latin-American national cinemas of the 20th and 21st centuries, especially gender, race, class, family, migration. Introduces film analysis across Spanish America, Brazil, United States. Winter Term every third year.

    Prerequisite(s): SP 261  or instructor approval.

    Notes: Class conducted in Spanish.
  • SP 320 Spanish Language and Composition

    Course Credit: 1
    In-depth overview of Spanish grammar and vocabulary with a strong writing component for application of course concepts and improvement in students’ ability to write meaningfully in Spanish. Fall Term.

    Prerequisite(s): SP 261  or instructor approval.

  • SP 321 Spanish for the Professions

    Course Credit: 1
    Explores language use and cultural practices appropriate to the Hispanic professional world both in the United States and abroad. Introduces students to the translation, analysis and production of professional communication in Spanish. Winter Term even years.

    Prerequisite(s): SP 261  or instructor approval.

  • SP 326 Spanish Phonetics and Pronunciation

    Course Credit: 1
    Examines the phonetic phenomena of the Spanish language to facilitate improvement in pronunciation. Fall Term odd years.

    Prerequisite(s): SP 261  or instructor approval.

  • SP 371 Internship

    Course Credit: 1
    Integration of classroom skills with such tasks as coordinating housing, transportation, cultural events, and service activities related to students’ career objectives. P/D/F only.

    Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing and instructor approval.

  • SP 381 Field Experience

    Course Credit: variable
  • SP 395 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credit vary. See course schedule.

  • SP 399 Supplemental Instruction: Spanish

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Teaching practicum in a specific area of study. Student SI leaders participate in leader training, attend classes for which they serve as leaders, prepare and lead study sessions that reinforce course content, model and teach effective study strategies. P/D/F only.

  • SP 450 Independent Study

    Course Credit: variable
    Research in Spanish under the guidance of an instructor. All work done in Spanish.

    Prerequisite(s): Department approval.

  • SP 461 Perspectives in Hispanic Culture

    Course Credit: 1
    Integrates the reading of major Hispanic essayists, daily writing assignments, writing a research paper. Winter Term odd years.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Writing Intensive. Capstone.

    Prerequisite(s): Third-year study abroad.

  • SP 495 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credit vary. See course schedule.

Social Work

  • SW 101 Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare

    Course Credit: 1
    Overview and history of social welfare. Problems of individuals, families, resource agencies with which social workers have contact.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Interconnected: Social Science.

  • SW 102 Social Welfare History and Programs

    Course Credit: 1
    Historical overview of the evolution of American social welfare policy and programs. Fall Term.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Interconnected: Social Science.

  • SW 104 Basic American Sign Language

    Course Credit: 1
    Introduction to American Sign Language and its primary users. Basic conversation in ASL and understanding of the deaf community as a cultural minority. Fall Term.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Diversity.

  • SW 181 Beginning Field Experience

    Course Credit: 1
    May Term experience as a participant and observer in a social work agency for three and one-half 40-hour weeks (140 hours). Required reports. Possible off-campus costs. P/D/F only.

    Prerequisite(s): SW 101  with a C- or higher and field coordinator approval.

  • SW 195 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credit vary. See course schedule.

  • SW 201 Human Behavior and the Social Environment

    Course Credit: 1
    Understanding and assessment of individual behavior through use of an ecological/social systems model. Human development through the life span in the light of family, psychosocial, psychological, cultural, biological, environmental factors.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Writing Intensive. Interconnected: Social Science.

  • SW 202 Group and Organizational Behavior

    Course Credit: 1
    Analysis of small and large group systems, including how to work with groups, organizations. Experiential activities, leadership development.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Interconnected: Social Science.

  • SW 210 Meeting the Needs of Children

    Course Credit: 1
    Concepts, policies, practices designed to meet the needs of children. Foster care, residential living, protective services, day care. Includes a community-based service-learning component.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Diversity.

  • SW 213 Working With Different Abilities

    Course Credit: 1
    Emphasizes the importance of inclusion and ability when working with all people. Through hands-on learning projects both in class and in the community, students will learn about people’s needs and strengths. Activities include group projects, community-based learning experiences and involvement with training service-dogs. May Term even years.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Diversity.

  • SW 220 Changing Roles and Human Sexuality

    Course Credit: 1
    Evaluation of gender roles and sexual freedom and their implications for interpersonal and social relationships. May Term.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Interconnected: Social Science.

  • SW 250 Current Topics in Social Work Practice

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics related to a specific field of social work and human services such as mental health, criminal justice, developmental disabilities, substance abuse, family services, medical social work. May repeat for credit as topics change.

    Notes: May repeat for credit as topics change.
  • SW 281 Diversity Field Experience

    Course Credit: 1
    May Term placement in a social work agency for three and one-half 40-hour weeks (140 hours). Required reports. Possible off-campus costs. P/D/F only.

    Prerequisite(s): SW 181 .

  • SW 295 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credit vary. See course schedule.

  • SW 300 Social Policy

    Course Credit: 1
    Analysis of social welfare policy and programs; acquisition of policy development skills. Winter Term.

    Prerequisite(s): SW 101 , SW 102 .

  • SW 301 Social Work Practice I

    Course Credit: 1
    Interviewing skills, social work values, principles of generalist practice, systems theory, problem-solving techniques from a strength and empowerment perspective. Winter Term.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Writing Intensive.

    Prerequisite(s): SW 101 , SW 181 , SW 201 , SW 202 .

  • SW 302 Social Work Practice II

    Course Credit: 1
    Development, application of intervention theory, skills in various settings and with diverse target systems of various sizes. Includes a community-based service-learning component. Fall Term.

    Prerequisite(s): SW 301 .


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