Sep 27, 2024  
2015-2016 Academic Catalog 
2015-2016 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions



  • AC 121 Principles of Accounting I

    Course Credit: 1
    Classifying and recording business transactions, understanding assets, liabilities, revenues, and expenses. Preparation and analysis of financial statements.

    Prerequisite(s): MA 90  competency.

  • AC 122 Principles of Accounting II

    Course Credit: 1
    Determining the cost of products, including job order costing, standard costing, direct costing, and activity-based costing. Decision making based on cost behavior patterns. Capital budgeting, cash flows, and ratio analysis.

    Prerequisite(s): AC 121 .

  • AC 195 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credit vary. See course schedule.

  • AC 223 Cost Accounting

    Course Credit: 1
    Cost accounting fundamentals and applications to decision making: relationships of cost, volume, and profit; standard costs; variance analysis; activity-based costing; quantitative methods and models used in cost accounting.

    Prerequisite(s): AC 122 ; MA 107  or MA 250 ; MA 214  or MA 313 .

  • AC 230 Accounting Systems

    Course Credit: 1
    Hands-on analysis of software packages to determine advantages and disadvantages of systems design. Input from specialists who design accounting systems. Students will develop their skills with MS EXCEL and MS Access through the completion of a series of accounting-specific computer products.

    Prerequisite(s): AC 122  and one course credit in computer science.

  • AC 281 Field Experience

    Course Credit: variable
    Supervised exploratory experience outside the classroom. Application of academic learning to practical experience. Possible off-campus costs. P/D/F only.

    Prerequisite(s): Instructor approval.

  • AC 295 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credit vary. See course schedule.

  • AC 321 Intermediate Accounting I

    Course Credit: 1
    Measurement, recording, and reporting of financial assets, liabilities, and stockholders’ equity. Revenue and expense recognition principles.

    Prerequisite(s): AC 122 .

  • AC 322 Intermediate Accounting II

    Course Credit: 1
    Continuation of Intermediate Accounting I with more advanced topics: leases, pensions, earnings per share, accounting changes, and deferred taxes.

    Prerequisite(s): AC 321 .

  • AC 371 Internship

    Course Credit: variable
    Planned and supervised periods of progressively challenging employment related to student’s career objectives. Outside readings, logs, and reflective paper required. Possible off-campus costs. P/D/F only.

    Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing, 2.0 cumulative and major GPA, and department approval.

  • AC 372 Internship

    Course Credit: variable
    Planned and supervised periods of progressively challenging employment related to student’s career objectives. Outside readings, logs, and reflective paper required. Possible off-campus costs. P/D/F only.

    Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing, 2.0 cumulative and major GPA, and department approval.

  • AC 395 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credit vary. See course schedule.

  • AC 399 Supplemental Instruction: Accounting

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Practicum in teaching in a specific area of study. Student SI leaders participate in leader training, attend classes for which they serve as leaders, and prepare and lead study sessions that reinforce course content and model and teach effective study strategies. P/D/F only.

  • AC 421 Advanced Accounting

    Course Credit: 1
    Accounting concepts and procedures related to preparation of consolidated financial statements. Financial accounting for partnerships, foreign currency transactions, translation of foreign currency financial statements, segments of consolidated entities. Winter Term odd years.

    Prerequisite(s): AC 321 .

  • AC 422 Government and Non-Profit Accounting

    Course Credit: 1
    Concepts of fund accounting and financial reporting for governmental units and nonprofit entities. Winter Term even years.

    Prerequisite(s): AC 322 .

  • AC 423 Income Tax Accounting I

    Course Credit: 1
    Determination of individual income tax liability in accord with current tax law. Gross income, business and non business deductions, dependency exemptions, capital gains and losses, net operating loss, tax credits.

    Prerequisite(s): Fourth-year standing.

  • AC 424 Income Tax Accounting II

    Course Credit: 1
    Income taxation of partnerships, corporations, estates, and trusts. Special attention is given to doing tax research and preparing tax returns.

    Prerequisite(s): AC 423 .

  • AC 425 Auditing

    Course Credit: 1.5
    Professional practice standards, including ethical and legal responsibilities. Procedures for evaluating internal controls and gathering audit evidence. Reporting responsibilities for audit and review engagements. Fall Term.

    Prerequisite(s): AC 322  or instructor approval.

  • AC 427 Senior Seminar in Accounting

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Current literature and issues in accounting, ethical questions, pronouncements of the major accounting organizations.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Capstone.

  • AC 429 Certified Public Accountant Review

    Course Credit: 1
    Preparation for the CPA Examination. Review of selected CPA topics. P/D/F only.

    Prerequisite(s): Qualified to sit for CPA Examination.

  • AC 495 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credit vary. See course schedule.


  • ART 104 Introduction to Art

    Course Credit: 1
    Basic inquiry into functions, styles, structure, interaction of medium and meaning, cultural roots, religious dimensions, criticism of art. Stimulation of thought, discussion, and experience in and about art as it enters private life and common experience.

  • ART 105 Design I

    Course Credit: 1
    Introduction to creative use of formal elements and principles of art. Studio projects utilizing line, shape, space, balance, rhythm, unity. Six-contact-hour course.

  • ART 108 Graphic Design

    Course Credit: 1
    Introduction to software commonly used for desktop publishing and graphic design. Development of skills using software and the application of these skills to design projects. Fee.

  • ART 110 Design II

    Course Credit: 1
    Three-dimensional. Practical studio introduction to the use of three-dimensional principles in a wide variety of materials. Development of critical and inventive skills as they relate to the creative processes in design, sculpture, architecture, crafts.

  • ART 111 Drawing

    Course Credit: 1
    Understanding of visualization techniques and the meaning and relationship to historical developments through the study of value, volume, proportions, linear perspective. Six-contact-hour course.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Interconnected: Humanities/Fine Arts.

  • ART 131 Printmaking I

    Course Credit: 1
    Introduction to development of the graphic image and printmaking process through linoleum block and etching techniques. Six-contact-hour course.

  • ART 135 Ceramics I

    Course Credit: 1
    Introduction to the craft of clay. Investigation of historical and contemporary ceramic art. Skill development in hand building, wheel-thrown techniques, glaze and fire works.

  • ART 141 Sculpture I

    Course Credit: 1
    Introductory course in sculpture dealing with three-dimensional organization and expression through basic processes, media.

  • ART 150 20th-Century Art, Media, and Design

    Course Credit: 1
    Study of 20th-century trends in the arts with focus on the artist’s intent, media chosen, messages communicated, cultural context.

  • ART 151 Jewelry

    Course Credit: 1
    Practical introduction to technique and process with emphasis on original execution. Formal and organic approaches concerned with interrelationships of tools, materials, ideas, historical sequence as the basis for design.

  • ART 195 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credit vary. See course schedule.

  • ART 201 Painting

    Course Credit: 1
    Study of painting techniques in conjunction with the use of color, pictorial organization, development of expression. Six contact hour course.

    Prerequisite(s): ART 111 . ART 105  recommended.

  • ART 205 Communication Design

    Course Credit: 1
    Study of graphic design and information design, including organization techniques, layout, typography, technical processes. Emphasis on problem solving and interactions of content and design.

    Prerequisite(s): ART 108 .

  • ART 208 Photography I

    Course Credit: 1
    Study of photography as an art form with emphasis on effective composition, imagery, expression. Fundamental digital processing procedures, proper setting and use of the digital camera. Student provides digital camera and purchases supplies. Fee.

  • ART 209 Photography II

    Course Credit: 1
    Practical studio course investigating various dimensions of photography as art, emphasizing the development of personal photographic seeing. Technique, lighting, experimentation, communication, documentation. Student provides camera and purchases supplies. Fee.

    Prerequisite(s): ART 208  or instructor approval.

  • ART 210 Communication Design II

    Course Credit: 1
    Continued exploration of graphic design emphasizing advanced typography. Information design, multimedia techniques and history of graphic design. Fee. Winter Term.

    Prerequisite(s): ART 205  with a B- or higher.

  • ART 231 Printmaking II

    Course Credit: 1
    Continued development of and experiments with the graphic image utilizing relief and intaglio techniques. Six-contact-hour course.

    Prerequisite(s): ART 131 .

  • ART 241 Sculpture II

    Course Credit: 1
    Continued development of three-dimensional organization and expression using more advanced techniques.

  • ART 250 Art History: Early Through Gothic

    Course Credit: 1
    Slide-lecture survey of painting, sculpture, architecture from Ancient Near-East through Late European Gothic. Particular attention to cultural contexts from which these forms emerge and their historical and artistic significance.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Writing Intensive. Interconnected: Humanities/Fine Arts.

  • ART 251 Art History: Renaissance Through Modern

    Course Credit: 1
    Slide-lecture survey exploring development of major aesthetic principles and art forms from the Early Renaissance into 20th Century Modern. Emphasis on individual artists and their historical, scholastic, intellectual settings.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Writing Intensive. Interconnected: Humanities/Fine Arts.

  • ART 295 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credit vary. See course schedule.

  • ART 301 Advanced Drawing and Painting

    Course Credit: 1
    Advanced work with drawing or painting media exploring relationships of form and content in the figure, still life, space, abstraction. Readings, research, presentations, studio production. Six contact hour course. May repeat for credit. Fall Term even years.

    Prerequisite(s): ART 111 , ART 201 .

    Notes: May repeat for credit.
  • ART 310 Advanced Design Projects

    Course Credit: 1
    Application of technical and aesthetic expertise to graphic design and/or Web design projects. Emphasis on portfolio and application of skills to individual goals. May repeat for credit. Fee. Fall Term.

    Prerequisite(s): ART 210  or instructor approval.

    Notes: May repeat for credit.
  • ART 371 Internship

    Course Credit: variable
    Supervised exploratory experience outside the classroom. Application of academic learning to a practical experience. P/D/F only.

    Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing, 2.0 cumulative and major GPA, and department approval.

  • ART 375 Drawing and Painting in Italy

    Course Credit: 1
    Studio production teamed with art historical and cultural observations. Museum visits, personal observations and studio art projects, immersion in Italian culture. May Term every third year.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Interconnected: Humanities/Fine Arts. Diversity.

    Prerequisite(s): ART 111 ; ART 250  or ART 251 ; GM 275 .

  • ART 395 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credit vary. See course schedule.

  • ART 399 Supplemental Instruction: Art

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Teaching practicum in a specific area of study. Student SI leaders participate in leader training, attend classes for which they serve as leaders, prepare and lead study sessions that reinforce course content, model and teach effective study strategies. P/D/F only.

  • ART 450 Independent Study

    Course Credit: variable
    Independent study and research by a third- or fourth-year student who has completed pertinent course prerequisites and wishes to pursue a studio or art history discipline.

    Prerequisite(s): Approval from instructor, who regularly consults with student and evaluates special project.

  • ART 460 Seminar in Art

    Course Credit: 1
    Discussion of individual artwork in the context of current and historical trends, related ethical issues. Practical experience in portfolio and exhibit development culminating in Senior Exhibit. Emphasis on continuing artistic and professional development.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Capstone.

    Prerequisite(s): Fourth-year standing art major and department approval.

  • ART 480 K-12 Art Methods

    Course Credit: 1.5
    Precedes student teaching with emphasis on introducing, developing and practicing discipline-specific pedagogy and reviewing general teaching methods.

    Prerequisite(s): ED 100 , ED 230  and admission to Teacher Education Program.

  • ART 495 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credit vary. See course schedule.

Business Administration

  • BA 195 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credit vary. See course schedule.

  • BA 240 Social Venture Planning

    Course Credit: 0.5

    Assessing feasibility and planning in for-profit or non-profit organization, particularly with social/environmental benefit in the mission. Marketing, finance, management, and strategic aspects of the business plan. Legal aspects of business organization. Social/environmental metrics and assessment.

    Prerequisite(s): Second-year standing or instructor approval.

  • BA 281 Field Experience

    Course Credit: variable
    Supervised exploratory experience outside the classroom. Application of academic learning to practical experience. Possible off-campus costs. P/D/F only.

    Prerequisite(s): Instructor approval.

  • BA 295 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credit vary. See course schedule.

  • BA 325 Business Communication

    Course Credit: 1
    Identical with EN 325 . Communication skills needed for success in business. Includes business letter, memo, report writing. Oral presentation skills, job application skills, communication theory, technology.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Writing Intensive.

    Prerequisite(s): COM 112  and third- or fourth-year standing.

  • BA 331 Business Law I

    Course Credit: 1
    Concepts needed for everyday business affairs. Understanding of legal systems, contracts, Uniform Commercial Code, sales, employment, bailments, insurance, real estate, wills.

    Prerequisite(s): Second-year standing.

  • BA 332 Business Law II

    Course Credit: 1
    Study of negotiable instruments, agency, secured transactions, bankruptcy. Emphasizes partnership, corporation formation, laws affecting operations.

    Prerequisite(s): BA 331 .

  • BA 334 Business Finance

    Course Credit: 1
    Introductory finance course. Introduction to financial markets, financial ratio analysis, valuation of bonds and stocks, long-term planning, working capital management.

    Prerequisite(s): AC 122 .

  • BA 338 Portfolio Management

    Course Credit: 0.25
    Students manage an endowment fund by determining how the funds are invested. Study of techniques for analyzing a variety of investment opportunities. May repeat for a maximum of one course credit. P/D/F only.

    Prerequisite(s): Instructor approval.

    Notes: May repeat for a maximum of one course credit.
  • BA 345 Principles of Management

    Course Credit: 1
    Reaching organizational goals by working through people and other organizational resources. Emphasis on planning, organizing, leading, and controlling functions and the contemporary tools available to reach high-quality decisions.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Interconnected: Social Science.

    Prerequisite(s): Second-year standing; EC 117 EC 118  recommended.

  • BA 346 Human Resource Management

    Course Credit: 1
    Personnel administration functions, including strategic planning of human resources, recruitment, selection, training, career development, performance appraisal. Emphasis on motivating employees through effective work environment and compensation system.

    Prerequisite(s): BA 345 .

  • BA 353 Principles of Marketing

    Course Credit: 1
    Techniques and strategies used to develop new products and promotions and to determine prices and channels of distribution. Introductory topics of marketing research, consumer behavior, advertising, sales, product management, international marketing. Group project.

    Prerequisite(s): Second-year standing; EC 117 EC 118  recommended.

  • BA 355 Social Entrepreneurship

    Course Credit: 1
    Identify personal calling. Understand use of a business model. Develop innovative and sustainable methodologies. Understand the role of feasibility analysis and market evaluation, research and placement. Explore examples of leaders who represent the various definitions of social entrepreneurship. Fall Term

    Prerequisite(s): Second-year standing; EC 117  or EC 118 .

  • BA 361 Operations Management

    Course Credit: 1
    Survey of operating practices and models in manufacturing and service-oriented firms. Introduction to operational issues, including quality control. Designing, acquiring, operating, and maintaining inventories, facilities, processes.

    Prerequisite(s): MA 107  or MA 250 ; MA 214  or MA 313 .

  • BA 364 Bank Management

    Course Credit: 1
    Identical with EC 364 . Overview of banking industry management, including role of banks in society, asset-liability management techniques, services provided to customers. Includes trip. Fee. May Term even years.

    Prerequisite(s): Two courses from BA 334 , BA 480 , BA 481 , EC 317 , EC 342 .

  • BA 365 Principles of Insurance

    Course Credit: 1
    Survey of how the insurance industry helps businesses and individuals manage property, casualty, life, health, disability risks.

  • BA 371 Internship

    Course Credit: variable
    Planned and supervised periods of progressively challenging employment related to students’ career objectives. Outside readings, logs, reflective paper. Possible off-campus costs. P/D/F only.

    Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing, 2.0 cumulative and major GPA, and department approval.

  • BA 372 Internship

    Course Credit: variable
    Planned and supervised periods of progressively challenging employment related to students’ career objectives. Outside readings, logs, reflective paper. Possible off-campus costs. P/D/F only.

    Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing, 2.0 cumulative and major GPA, and department approval.

  • BA 375 Online Marketing

    Course Credit: 1
    Identical with COM 375 . Survey of trends affecting the online/interactive business environment. Study of Web design, launches, e-marketing plans, social media, mobile devices, online advertising, budgeting and sociological/psychological changes in consumers in electronic culture. Online marketing project. Winter Term.

    Prerequisite(s): Second-year major in accounting, business administration, communication arts, computer science, or economics or instructor approval.

  • BA 377 Non-Profit Management

    Course Credit: 1
    Explores management skills needed within the non-profit organization. Emphasis on non-profit organizational types, trustee’s responsibilities, trustee recruitment/termination/development, financing structure, fundraising, financial management, employee empowerment, strategic planning and leadership within the non-profit. Understand the startup and scale process for blended value companies. Service learning component. Winter Term.

    Prerequisite(s): Second-year standing; EC 117  or EC 118  recommended.

  • BA 395 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credit vary. See course schedule.

  • BA 399 Supplemental Instruction: Business

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Teaching practicum in a specific area of study. Student SI leaders participate in leader training, attend classes for which they serve as leaders, prepare and lead study sessions that reinforce course content, model and teach effective study strategies. P/D/F only.

  • BA 414 Introduction to Sales and Sales Management

    Course Credit: 1
    Analysis and application of skills for a professional career in sales. Overview of sales management process and ethical issues within the industry.

    Prerequisite(s): BA 353  recommended.

  • BA 418 Sustainable Economics and Finance

    Course Credit: 1
    Identical with EC 418 . Tools/analysis for both environmental/ecological economics and emerging field of finance for environmental impact. Topics include conservation finance, financing sustainable community food systems, cleantech finance, ecosystem services valuation, carbon tax, cap/trade, externalities, and other current issues. Winter Term even years.

    Prerequisite(s): EC 117 .

  • BA 424 Consumer Behavior

    Course Credit: 1
    Analysis of the consumer decision-making process before, during, and after purchasing goods or services. Influences of culture, subculture, social class, families, marketers on the consumer. Basic issues, latest findings, applications of consumer behavior in relation to marketing strategy. Group project.

    Prerequisite(s): BA 353 . PSY 101  recommended

  • BA 433 Trends in Marketing

    Course Credit: 1
    Current marketing approaches. Contemporary readings outlining marketing trends. Interaction with business community. Some off-campus travel. Fee. May Term odd years.

    Prerequisite(s): BA 353 .

  • BA 436 Trends in Business Management

    Course Credit: 1
    Current management approaches. Contemporary readings outlining management techniques. Interaction with business community. Some off-campus travel. Fee. May Term.

    Prerequisite(s): BA 345  or BA 377 .

  • BA 438 Organizational Behavior and Management

    Course Credit: 1
    Introduction to managing human behavior in organizations. Individual behavior, interpersonal relationships, small groups, intergroup relations, leadership, change. Students apply concepts to realistic problems and dilemmas and evaluate their efforts by utilizing management concepts, theories, reasonings, guidance.

    Prerequisite(s): BA 345  or BA 377 .

  • BA 441 Multinational Management

    Course Credit: 1
    Multinational organizational behavior and its implications for home and host countries. Analysis of organizational strategy, economic impact of multinationals, appropriate public policies toward foreign direct investment.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Diversity.

    Prerequisite(s): EC 117  or EC 118 ; BA 345  recommended.

  • BA 442 International Marketing

    Course Credit: 1
    Environmental factors relevant to international marketing. Effects of product, promotion, price, channels of distribution on international marketing strategies.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Diversity.

    Prerequisite(s): EC 117  or EC 118 ; BA 353  recommended.

  • BA 444 Marketing Research

    Course Credit: 1
    Methods of conducting research in business. Research design, data collection procedures, data analysis, presentation of results. Application to actual marketing research field projects.

    Prerequisite(s): BA 353 ; CS 110  or CS 120 ; MA 214  or MA 313 .

  • BA 447 Entrepreneurship

    Course Credit: 1
    Exploration of entrepreneurship culminating in development of a business plan. Introduction to complexity and multidimensional nature of the subject through thorough articulation of business plan. Fall Term.

    Prerequisite(s): Second-year standing; AC 121 ; BA 331 , BA 345 , BA 353 ; MA 107  or MA 250 .

  • BA 449 Organizational Leadership

    Course Credit: 1
    Focus on how leaders influence others to achieve organizational goals. Expands knowledge of multiple theories of leadership and develops leadership competencies. Fall Term.

    Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing; BA 345  or BA 377 .

  • BA 450 Independent Study

    Course Credit: variable
    Supervised study on special project or research.

    Prerequisite(s): Approval of faculty sponsor.

  • BA 454 Advertising and Promotion

    Course Credit: 1
    Functions of advertising and promotion in business to include creative strategy, media selection, research, regulatory environment, trends. Group project.

    Prerequisite(s): BA 353  or instructor approval.

  • BA 455 Social Entrepreneurship Seminar

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Create an online social entrepreneurship portfolio including reflections on internship experiences, research, social venture planning and networking efforts. Fall Term even years.

    Prerequisite(s): Instructor approval.

  • BA 460 Senior Seminar in Business

    Course Credit: 1
    Analysis and application of strategic planning models to business decision making, business ethics, contemporary issues related to corporations’ social responsibility. May include case studies, outside readings, data analysis.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Writing Intensive. Capstone.

    Prerequisite(s): BA 325 BA 334 BA 345 BA 353  and fourth-year standing.

  • BA 480 Financial Modeling

    Course Credit: 1
    Excel modeling for professional portfolio management, fixed income analysis, asset-liability management, option pricing, capital budgeting and structured finance. Winter Term odd years.

    Prerequisite(s): EC 342 .

  • BA 481 Financial Statement Analysis and Security Valuation

    Course Credit: 1
    Valuation of companies through detailed analysis of financial statements, reports, strategy and cost of capital. Incorporation of free cash flow, residual income and market-based valuation methods. Winter Term even years.

    Prerequisite(s): BA 334 .

  • BA 495 Special Topics

    Course Credit: variable
    Topics and credit vary. See course schedule.


  • BI 101 Concepts of Biology

    Course Credit: 1
    Nature and organization of living organisms, metabolism, inheritance, and development emphasizing biological/chemical relationships. Laboratory work required. Fee.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Interconnected: Natural Science.

    Notes: Not applicable toward major. Credit cannot be obtained in both BI 101 and BI 151 .
  • BI 117 Environmental Biology

    Course Credit: 1
    Introduction to the study of environmental biology using scientific reasoning to analyze local habitats and develop plans for their long-term maintenance and conservation. Extensive field study exercises. Project-oriented. Laboratory work required. Extensive use of computer-based resources. Fee. Fall Term.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Scientific Reasoning.

    Notes: Not applicable toward major.
  • BI 120 Science of Water

    Course Credit: 1
    Identical with PHY 120 . Investigation of physical and chemical properties of water as applied to geological, meteorological, ecological phenomena. Multidiscipline science course. Project-based. Laboratory work required. Fee. May Term even years.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Interconnected: Natural Science.

  • BI 130 Drugs and Personal Health

    Course Credit: 1
    Introduction to structure, function, disease, heredity. Pharmacological, physiological, behavioral phenomena associated with drug use. Laboratory work required. Fee. Fall Term.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Interconnected: Natural Science.

    Prerequisite(s): Scientific Reasoning course.

    Notes: Not applicable toward major.
  • BI 131 Biology of Ordinary Things

    Course Credit: 1
    Observations of ordinary phenomena connected to basic biological and chemical concepts. Development of explanatory models using various forms of scientific representations with teaching standards and technology. Laboratory work required. Fee. Winter Term.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Interconnected: Natural Science.

    Prerequisite(s): ED 100  or concurrent enrollment, or instructor approval.

    Notes: Not applicable toward major. Recommended for elementary education majors.
  • BI 132 Extreme Biology

    Course Credit: 1
    Examination of the chemical and biological processes required for life, the adaptations of these processes in organisms that live in extreme environments, and the evolution of such organisms. Laboratory work required. Fee. Fall Term.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Interconnected: Natural Science.

    Notes: Not applicable toward major.
  • BI 133 How Animals Work

    Course Credit: 1
    An introduction to the anatomy, physiology and diversity of animals. Particular emphasis placed on the physical problems that nature’s environments present to animals. Laboratory work required. Fee. Winter Term.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Interconnected: Natural Science.

    Notes: Not applicable toward major.
  • BI 151 Biology I: Ecosystems, Cells, and Evolution

    Course Credit: 1
    Introductory course providing a background in ecosystems, cell biology, evolution, and genetics with a laboratory experience that produces skills necessary for success in biology. Recommended for science majors. Fee. Fall Term.

    Essential Ed Requirement: Interconnected: Natural Science.

    Notes: Credit cannot be obtained in both BI 101  and BI 151.

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